School is in session and Bahamas Academy is excited about enrollment. On Friday, August 23rd, 2024, 92 new students walked through the doors of the elementary and high school for their orientation process.

ATV News got a chance to speak with principal Dr. Lavonda Smith who shared with us the goals for the new school year.

Smith said, "The theme for this school year is “With Christ, Conceive, Believe and Achieve". With this in mind, we know that at Bahamas Academy, this is a school where we promote Christ centered learning. And this year we hope to reignite going out into the community and passing out tracts, soup, bread and praying with members of the surrounding community here on Marshall Road."

"Additionally, we hope to have our students be the speakers for a week of prayer. Give testimonies so that others may be won to Jesus. Academically, we will be placing emphasis on literacy and numeracy skills. We are introducing a new reading program at the ELC and elementary divisions and at the secondary division. We will continue with the book reports, multiplication drills, and numerous activities."

 She also shared some of the upcoming social events on the school’s calendar

Smith continued, "This coming October, we are planning a big fun day for students, just to relax, have some fun, take a little break from their regular assignments. Additionally, we also have culture day where students are exposed to the culture of various countries."

"And some of those countries we have represented right here on campus. I think it's very important for students to have a sense of cultural awareness, because we know that the world is a melting pot. We will also continue with our swimming program this coming school year, and we hope to have our pool installed in short order."

The interview ended with Dr. Smith having this to say to the parents of the school.

Smith ended, "Thank you for choosing Bahamas Academy. Thank you for the confidence that you have in us. And we look forward to partnering with you as we seek to educate your child for not only this world, but the world to come."

Continuing with news from Bahamas Academy, ATV News also spoke with Vice-Principal of the Elementary and Early Learning Center Mrs. Elmore Jacques who used the opportunity to share how the orientation process went.

Jacques said, "We've had our new parents and a new students orientation and that went very well. This year we do have a new principal, Mrs. Dr. Lavonda Smith, and our school year promises to be one that is exciting, fun filled for our students, as well as educational."

 She also shared information about the much-anticipated reading program that will be coming on stream.

Jacques continued, "This year, one program that we are putting emphasis on, apart from our Bible is the reading program. Our reading program, Mrs. Dixon, Tamara Dixon will oversee that. We are wanting our children to be able to read at a level that is expected. And so therefore, we are going to put in place that reading program. And at the end of the year, by God's grace, we will be able to say that our children can successfully reading at their particular level."

We say welcome back to all the students faculty and staff of Bahamas Academy and we pray for a productive and spirt-filled year.