Over the years, members of the South Bahamas Conference Retirees Association (SoBCRA) visited some of our Family Islands and embraced the opportunity to witness to the people in the communities. This year, on October 27th, eight ladies and two gentlemen traveled to the beautiful Island of Eleuthera.

On Friday evening Dr. Carey gave a devotional thought about the three dimensions of forgiveness. On Sabbath morning, the team was welcomed warmly at the Tarpum Bay Church. Following a spirited and inspiring song service conducted by one of the local leaders. Yvonne Adderley and Estherlean Ash led out an interactive and stimulating lesson study. During the divine service, Sis. Rowena Smith, SoBRCA president, greeted the congregation on behalf of the group. Elder David Knowles also presented the message for the day.

On Sabbath afternoon, care packages were distributed to the elderly and needy in the community. The Retiree’s Association is always grateful to Kevin Tinker who arranged living accommodations, transportation, and special tours. They are looking forward to another trip to the land of pineapples.