In a celebration of faith, empowerment, and sisterhood, the women’s ministry department of the conference launched a new Christian devotional book on July 15, 2024. The book titled “Women of Faith” shares devotional lessons for women and was a collaborative effort by the women and young girls of the South Bahamas Conference.

According to Women’s Ministries Director Carla Rogers, the devotional will inspire many as it is “a collection of testimonies and stories of unshakable faith”

The devotional launch was held at the conference office, where Assistant women’s ministries leader Darlene Deveaux shared the journey that culminated in the devotion. 

Deveaux said, “Sister Ash, she solicited the support of other educators, and those persons who are here, those fine educators who are here with us. Sister Cynthia Johnson, and Sister Casandra Forbes, Sister Glenda Rolle, they took on the task with Sister Ash to edit approximately 216 devotions for women, written by women, and I'm so proud to say that a number of those submissions were from our GEMS. Our editors, they were on time with producing the book, but the devil raised his ugly head at the end and of course we are just here right now launching this product, this project.” 

Deveaux presented three copies to the administrative team of the conference and encouraged the workers to utilize the devotional in their daily lives.

Deveaux said, “We pray that as you use this in your devotions here at the office, that those persons who would read, or those who would listen, would be richly blessed. And the uniqueness, the beautiful uniqueness of this book is that it is not dated. And so you can pick up this book at any time, and you can read it, and be blessed by it.”

Also in attendance were the editorial team that assisted in the final production of the devotional Deveaux expressed her thanks to this group of ladies for the outstanding work in editing the devotional. “Women of Faith” is currently available at the Adventist Bible Book and Nutrition Centre located on Tonique Williams Darling Highway. Book proceeds will be used for GEMS Outreach projects.

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