The Inter-American Division held its 26th Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries (Asi) Convention from August 14th-17th at the Riu Plaza in Panama under the theme Empowered to Serve. The Bahamas Chapter led by President Ian Greene brought the largest delegation with 78 individuals. The Bahamas was also represented by the president and executive secretary of the South Bahamas Conference Pastors Kenny Deveaux and Leonardo Rahming and Men’s Ministry leader Michael McCoy.  

The opening ceremony began with the parade of the countries represented along with a cultural presentation by Panama. The ASI President for the Inter-American Division Elder Rohan Riley shared his delight in the laypersons coming together to share how they represent Christ daily with others.

Riley said, “I’ve always believed that how ASI started was with the idea that the work is going to be completed when the clergy and the laity join hands together. Our motto is sharing Christ in the marketplace, and that is what we have been doing throughout this region in the Spanish region, the English region, the French region. We have just encouraged our members to seek for opportunities to share Christ in the marketplace.” 

According to the executive secretary of the Inter-American Division, Dr Leonard Johnson, Asi’s vision to utilize and equip lay persons is important as it supports the purpose of the church which is mission work and evangelism.

Johnson said, “This marks 150 years since we as a church sent out our first official missionary in the person of J. N. Andrews, and now, 150 years later, as we assemble, it is good to remind ourselves that our purpose for existence is mission. As we listened to powerful presentations from Dr. Snell and others, it is my prayer that we will become empowered to serve and to advance the mission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After all, what is it all about? It is about advancing the Kingdom of God.”

The keynote speaker for the week was Pastor Debleaire Snell of the Breath of Life church in Alabama. Snell shared insightful messages each evening, reassuring the audience that God will always remain faithful and to continue to rely on God and not on self to remain victorious.

Snell said, “God is saying when things all around you go awry. He wants you to know that He is still faithful. In other words, when they vote you out, God is still faithful. When the business fails, God is still faithful. When people talk bad about you, God is still faithful. When circumstances conspire against you, God is still faithful. In fact, friends, I need you to notice that in the Scripture, God knows that there are times where circumstance is volatile and unstable. It is why God reveals himself in metaphors of things which cannot be moved.” 

The morning sessions included devotional thoughts and plenary sessions where guest speakers presented on various topics including AI in business, financial stewardship and technology in evangelism. From The South Bahamas Conference, Health Ministries Director and Secretary of ASI Bahamas, Elder Shandera Smith spoke on the topic, “cultivating spiritual and physical wellness in the business and professional world".

The convention also highlighted the Asi 200 and beyond, the youth arm of Asi in this region. The children and youth are currently concluding their second mission trip for the year in Panama and have hosted numerous evangelistic series and conducted outreach initiatives. 

In the report for The Bahamas Chapter, the various activities and outreach programs were highlighted including the mission initiatives, health evangelism training held, and family island health expos. 

The Bahamas Chapter also held a special fundraiser during the convention for Mission Haiti, Inter-America’s ASI mission focus for the 2024 year, using natural handmade soaps. The mission work in Haiti includes creating a computer lab, a clinic, and a lifestyle center, as well as the installation of a radio station on Tortuga Island, northwest of Haiti. 

On Sabbath, the convention concluded with a message from IAD President Pastor Eli Henry, who emphasized the importance of accepting God’s call to action and evangelism.

Henry said, "When God calls us, when he invites us, to action, to change He's waiting for us an answer. He wants us to answer. We cannot continue the way we are going, and we can certainly not go in the way the world is going. We have to go against the flow."

The closing ceremony also showcased talented individuals from around the division in a mini concert that was held. Elder Dave Williams Vice President for Evangelism for ASI Bahamas, distributed media streaming boxes to the other ASI chapters which were originally donated by  3ABN. These boxes are great evangelism tools and are presently being utilized by the Bahamas Correctional Facility in the chaplaincy department. 

Overall, the ASI representatives for the Bahamas were left equipped and empowered to continue the mission of sharing Christ in the marketplace.

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