As a church community, we bid farewell to 2022 and enter a New Year filled with tremendous possibilities. Our reflection on the past reveals adversities that may have derailed many plans. However, despite the challenges, we give thanks for where the Lord has brought us. As we forge ahead, we do so optimistically because of our connection to the vine, Christ Jesus. In His strength, our future will be radiant with His glory, and no weapon formed against His children will be allowed to prosper. In all that we do, let us be reminded of God's promise as stated in Deuteronomy 31:8, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."  

Dwain N. Esmond, associate director and editor of the Ellen G. White Estate and evangelist for the global Back to the Altar worship initiative posits, "The restoration of personal and family worship among Seventh-day Adventists are perhaps the most pressing needs of our time. For this reason, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has launched the Back to the Altar initiative, a landmark effort to rebuild the broken personal and family altars in God's Church."

I endorse this initiative from the General Conference, which begins 1st January 2023 at 6 am. While this may conflict with the South Bahamas Conference's monthly early morning prayer, I urge you to pray for this timely initiative. I also encourage you to pray one for another and invite those who may not have experienced the benefits of family worship to try it and see what the Almighty God will do in their lives. There is nothing too hard for God to do!

As we embark on this New Year and a new quadrennium within this Conference; I invite you to include several things on your prayer list during the first quarter. Firstly, as evangelism is still the lifeblood and mission of the church, each pastor will lead their respective churches into an evangelistic outreach effort. Therefore, I invite your support by praying, rallying around, and motivating your pastor in this vital effort.

The South Bahamas Conference needs to advance the work in the islands of North Andros (Red Bays) and Mayaguana as we seek to move these two companies into churches. We also need to renovate and bring the H. D. Colburn Gym back to its once magnificent prominence. The goal is to modernize and make this building self-sufficient with its green energy power supply. Allowing our young people to have their sporting facility once again, and the Conference, a modern multi-purpose building for large gatherings. Through your prayers and support, we will accomplish these goals.

My brothers and sisters, the Lord of Host is with us because, in everything, we lift His name and give Him all honor, glory, and praise. So, let us advance, go forth to conquer, and conquer in HIS almighty name.                   

Have a blessed, prosperous, and spirit-filled New Year!

-Pastor Kenny Deveaux, South Bahamas Conference President