The personal ministries department of the South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is committed to providing resources and training church members to unite their efforts with the ministry and church officers in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The department aims to enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God.

It is in the context of this divine responsibility that the lay certification evangelism training was planned virtually for a period of seven months for all personal ministries leaders of the local churches and other interested persons. Every first Sunday of the month, from February to August 2024 we had well able and qualified persons who presented on various topics that were intentionally selected.

In the month of February, we began the training with Guest presenter, Pastor Chirnus Isidore, the personal ministries director of the North Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He presented on “How to reclaim the missing.” In his presentation, he outlined some of the reasons for which many of our members are missing and offered ways by which the church should reach out to them. In the month of March, we invited Pastor Damian Chambers, who is the associate professor at the School of Religion & Theology at Northern Caribbean University. He presented on “Sermon preparation and delivery.” His presentation was timely and relevant. Then In the month of April Pastor Wilson Isnord presented on “The Theology of Bringing People to a Decision for Jesus.” In this presentation, some valuable principles were given to the members on how to be effective in leading others to Jesus.

In the month of April, Dr. Michael D. Toote was our guest presenter. He presented on “Impact for Christ in 2024.” His presentation further equipped the laity with many evangelistic tools to be successful in making an impact for Christ. Then in the month of June, Pastor Wilson Presented on “Nurturing New Members in the Church.” In this presentation, vital strategies were presented that can help the church to properly nurture the new members. Then In July Pastor Wilson Isnord continued the training on How to Participate with God in the Ministry of Reconciliation of Former Members. Then On the first Sunday of August, Pastor Wilson Isnord concluded the training with Sharing the Gospel, the Divine Mandate.   

On Sabbath August 10, 2024, a graduation service was conducted at the Grant’s Town Church where many received their certificates. In attendance was the president of the South Bahamas Conference, Pastor Kenny Deveaux who brought kind remarks. Dr. Peter Joseph presented the charge. I want to express special thanks to all those who participated in the training. May God’s continued blessing be upon you for your unwavering support during the seven months of training. The Lay Certification Evangelism Training was intentionally planned and executed to equip and empower leaders of the local churches to be more effective in evangelism.

Ellen G. White posits, “The work of God in this earth can never be finished until men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers. Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 117.                                               

May God help us in the South Bahamas conference to cooperate with His son Jesus in the final work of persuading men and women to surrender to Jesus through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit


-Pastor Wilson Isnord SBC’s Personal Ministries Director