The 2024 hurricane season is here.  How prepared are you? It has been predicted that this year we are looking at an over-active hurricane season. Preventing the loss of life and minimizing the loss of property are the responsibilities that are shared by everyone. We are told that some essential things should be in place. First, remember that the best time to prepare is before the hurricane comes. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Have an emergency kit

  2. Have an evacuation plan

  3. Have two (2) weeks supply of medical supplies including prescription meds.

  4. Keep a reasonable amount of cash on hand

  5. Have a flashlight with extra batteries

  6. Have a battery-operated radio

  7. Keep your important documents in a sealed waterproof container

  8. Keep your vehicle filled with fuel

  9. Make proper provisions for your pets

  10. Prepare an inventory and take photos of your home and items in and around it

  11. Store a good amount of non-perishable food items

  12. Pack some good reading materials and activity books for your children

You should have a family meeting to familiarize every member with the emergency plan.  Bathtubs should be filled with water in the event water is unavailable for sanitary use.  If your home is prone to flooding, you should consider moving to a shelter or higher ground with some family members.

Whatever you pack, keep it as light and as small as possible keeping in mind that you will carry it yourself.  Emphasis is to be placed on drinking water, one gallon per day for each person for at least five (5) days. Baby and personal hygiene items should be included.

Let us do everything to stay safe, look out for each other, and remember to listen to the official news feed which is where the government will send all its communication. Please remember to pray for our brothers and sisters who may be in the path of a storm.  We know that as we approach the end of time, disasters will increase worldwide, and the Bahamas will be no exception.  Above and beyond all the planning, continue to trust in our Lord Jesus Christ as He is always in control of everything, even the weather.

--Elder Anthony Burrows, Stewardship & Trust Director, South Bahamas Conference