The conference held its annual lay pulpit exchange day on sabbath August 10 2024. Elders and lay preachers came out of their regular churches to worship and minister to the various adventist churches in New Providence.

According to Personal Ministries Director Director Wilson Isnord, the conference’s theme, “Commissioned for Mission” continues to motivate and inspire both the pastors and laity to seek Chirst’s empowerment through daily communion with Him and the study of His word to be able to share Christ with conviction and passion.

At the Maranatha church Carlin Deveaux of the New Haven church ministered to the members of the Maranatha church. Deveaux admonished the members to continue to keep their faith in Jesus. 

Deveaux admonished, “Sometimes we need to take time out to stop cross-questioning, asking other people for help, we need to go the source of life. Sometimes we need to go to the one who can restore our heart and also restore our spirit, the one who can restore our faith in Him. We need not to go to man in other words, we need to go directly to who, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.” 

The Hilllview church welcomed Tyrone Paul of the Grant’s town church who emphasized the importance of living a life dedicated to God and using one’s gifts to glorify him.

Paul emphasized, “You might not preach like Pastor Rahming, or you may not be able to sing like my brother, brother Ching, but brethren whatever God has given to you, use it for His glory. We must know that we have this relationship with Him and so because of that He will tell you, he will speak through you. You may be the one who would be called to give someone a glass of water, to show some kindness, to show some love, some compassion, but I must say whatever you have use it for God’s glory."