Shortly before Jesus ascended into heaven, He commissioned His disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16: 15.16). Evangelism continues to be our focus and priority in the South Bahamas Conference.

 It is the raison d’être for which God has appointed His church. Ellen G White remarks “Evangelism, the very heart of Christianity, is the theme of primary importance to those called to herald God's last warning to a doomed world. We are in time's closing hours, and the Advent message proclaimed to make ready a people prepared for our Lord's return, must swell to a loud cry reaching the uttermost parts of the earth.” Evangelism, p.5

Let me unapologetically say that the Seventh-day Adventist church has been appointed and strategically positioned by God to share the unadulterated word of hope in a world where many are swimming in the vast and deep ocean of hopelessness.

 It is against this backdrop that the administration of the South Bahamas Conference has intentionally designated the first quarter of 2023 as the quarter for the Pastoral campaigns. As such, the Pastors have been very instrumental in their evangelistic planning in their respective local congregations.

 Many campaigns have already taken place. At present, there are Pastors who are in campaigns while many others are getting ready to start soon. We praise God for the souls that have been added to the kingdom thus far. I commend and congratulate all the pastors and members and the Bible instructors of the local churches for the way in which you have availed yourselves to be used by the Master. May God continued blessing be upon you.

I comment the youths of our conference for their commitment to Christ and the gospel mandate. “With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!” Education, p. 271. Let us continue to encourage our young people as they continue to use their giftedness to the glory and the honor of God.

Let us also pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit, our youths will yield and surrender their lives to the Lordship of Jesus-Christ and seal their commitment to Him through baptism.

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, as we march forward with the torch of the gospel in our hands, let us more than ever be bold and courageous for with Jesus on our side we have absolutely nothing to fear. Yes, will encounter great opposition from the enemy along the way.

 Yes, there will be time when we will want to give up, but we should always remember that Jesus, our victorious and sovereign kind is marching before us. Therefore, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.” Last Day Events, p.72.

May we all have a Spirit-filled Sabbath in the Lord.

- Pastor Wilson Isnord,  South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists