The Breath of Life Church located on Marshall Road held an “Elders in the Word" Crusade, from June 25th to July 1st. The congregation was blessed by the presentations by the elders from the church, as well as a guest elder from the Adelaide Church. 

During this enlightening event, each elder delivered a thought-provoking message on various topics of spiritual significance. Elder Philip Morris chose to explore, "The Condition of the Heart”. He emphasized the qualities required to become a true disciple of Christ. 

Elder Merle Williams captivated the audience with the. topic, "Traffic Jam on Broadway." Drawing from scripture, she expounded on the sharp contrasts between the narrow way and Broadway as outlined in the Bible. 

Elder Lester Flowers presented under the topic, "The Promise”, delving into the biblical prophecies of Jesus' second coming. He reminded the audience that our timing is not in alignment with God’s timing and that God faithfully fulfills His promises. 

The "Elders in the Word" Crusade left a lasting impact on the congregation, fostering a deeper understanding of biblical teachings and inspiring individuals to strengthen their relationship with God.