Under the theme “The Adventist Teacher, Chosen for Mission", Seventh-day Adventist educators from the four schools in the territory of the Atlantic Caribbean Union (ATCU) convened for the union’s quinquennial educational gathering dubbed the 'Teachers’ Forum' on March 28th, 2024.   

Dr. Cheryl Rolle, ATCU Education Director explained the hybrid format of this year’s forum. She said, “we came together via Zoom for spiritual renewal and professional enrichment. Then, each school group met in its respective country at a specified location to enjoy a bit of fun and relaxation.”

The forum catered to teachers, school counselors, school pastors/chaplains, school administrators, and conference officers and education directors.  The goal of this quinquennium’s conclave, according to Dr. Rolle, was to help participants to refocus on the sacred task to which God through Christ Jesus has selected them to do.  

Dr. Leonard Johnson, Executive Secretary for the Inter-American Division, was the devotional speaker. Dr. John Wesley Taylor V, president of Andrews University, was the guest presenter who spoke on the topic “Essential Elements of the Philosophy of Adventist Education.”

The educators concluded the forum with a renewed commitment to represent Christ in the classroom and lead students to love Him.  

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