Cockburn Town Seventh-day Adventist church said farewell to Pastor Alverico Moss and embraced greetings from the Administration of South Bahamas Conference as brought by Mr. Okell Damastus, Auditor of the South Bahamas Conference, during a grand celebration weekend beginning March 30, 2019. The celebration began with Divine Worship where testimonies from various members poured in thanking Pastor Moss for his humility and wishing him success in his new districted. During this time, Mr. Damastus greeted the brothers and thanked them for the wonderful work they continue to perform under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The celebration continued with a luncheon where the members welcome Pastor Moss, and Mr. and Mrs. Damastus. After the luncheon, Mr. Damastus conducted a Treasury and Stewardship workshop that addressed the importance of being a good steward, the importance of tithes and offering, and how the treasury process works. The information was well received, and Elder Hepburn, Elder Williams, and the other board members manifested their gratitude to the Conference Administration for such a timely and transparent workshop.

The celebration ended with a Health Walk from the Cockburn Town Seventh-day Adventist Church to the Airport and back. The members did an awesome job adhering to the health message and setting an example in the community. We say to God be the glory great things He had done.

Article By: Okell Damastus
Audit Department