Last week was a time of celebration for Bahamas Academy as students from the Early Learning Center, Elementary, and Secondary divisions participated in their commencement exercises. Bahamas Academy staff, parents, and supporters gathered at the Joe Farrington Auditorium on Tuesday, June 11th, to congratulate the 46 students of the secondary division’s Platinum class of 2024. 

In her report, principal Juliette Sands shared Bahamas Academy’s successful academic achievements and impactful community service initiatives. Commencement Speaker, Dr. Raymond King, Commodore of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, encouraged the graduates to reflect on their spiritual values and principles as they transition to a new era in their lives. 

King expressed, “You should make God your priority, refuse to compromise by taking a stand for righteousness, and reject unhealthy sources of interference by means of a strong resolve within yourselves, that nothing, and no one will ever come between you, and your God. Be forever mindful that the past is your heritage to preserve and protect, the present requires personal responsibility and corporate behavior, the future being your challenge, which requires careful consideration of one's values, passions, and purpose in life. And the commitment of your personal ministry onto the Lord in alignment with His will and purpose for your lives are all interconnected.” 

The service continued with various awards presented to the students for their achievements. Valedictorian Kadin Johnson reflected on the challenges faced during the class’ academic journey, the growth they experienced together, and the anticipation of new opportunities and collaborations in the future.

Johnson shared, “The future holds various opportunities for each of us. Some of us will be studying abroad, some will continue here, and others will join the workforce. With this new chapter comes new environments, new lessons, and new people to collaborate with. Bahamas Academy has instilled with us crucial qualities such as social and leadership skills. We now know how to express ourselves efficaciously through letters, articles and speeches. The loving teachers of Bahamas Academy helped us to develop our characters and taught us Christian values at any and every opportunity.”

On Thursday, June 13th, 2024, the Holy Trinity Auditorium was a place of celebration as 26 students from Bahamas Academy's Early Learning Center graduated under the theme, "Transformed to Serve."

Dressed in a butterfly costume, commencement speaker Marissa Claire Wilson also known as Aunty Reecey, an alumna of Bahamas Academy, had the attention of her audience as she spoke on the lifecycle of a butterfly, emphasizing the themes of transformation and change. Aunty Reecey shared with the graduates that just as a butterfly has different stages of change, they too can be changed with God’s help.

Wilson shared, “Can a butterfly change back into a caterpillar? No it can’t. Once it’s a butterfly, it will always be a butterfly. It's a beautiful change, a beautiful transformation. You know, we all boys and girls can be changed as well. We all can be transformed. That is through Christ. God wants to work with each one of you, he wants to transform you from the person who may not really care about things, or who may not love God right now, but he wants you to be a person who would please Him in all that you do. We are transformed through his son Jesus.”

The highlight of the ceremony was the moment parents and other supporters were waiting on, the awards presentation. Each graduate was celebrated as they received certificates in their areas of subject excellence, spiritual, school spirit and attendance.

Following the Early Learning Centre’s Commencement service, 37 elementary division students graduated under the theme “Transformed through Christ”, commencing six years of hard work and dedication. The ceremony was not only a stage for celebrating academic achievements but also a showcase of talent and devotion as the students captivated the audience with special renditions on xylophones.

The keynote speaker, Domonique McCartney Russell, Director of Education for the Ministry of Education, Technical, and Vocational Training, delivered a powerful message, sharing her journey of converting to Christianity. She spoke on the importance of having a personal relationship with Christ and encouraged the graduates to surrender to God's will. This, she said, is the best decision one can make, leading to transformation through Christ.

McCartney-Russell shared, “Surrendering to God has been the best day of my life, because I didn’t know that you can have a personal relationship with the Lord and he could direct your path. And so being transformed through Christ begins with that decision to place your full confidence in Him, it means complete surrender to His will, to His word, and to His ways. When we surrender, the Holy Spirit empowers us to live in alignment with God’s will, His purposes, shaping us into new beings”

Valedictorian Zanea Allick recounted her years at Bahamas Academy, expressing gratitude for the faculty and staff who supported the graduating class. She highlighted the importance of dreaming big and chasing one's dreams, encouraging her fellow graduates to do the same.

Allick said, “Many of us will move on to high schools, colleges, universities and other training institutions. We will become the next executives, architects, real estate agents, business owners, pastors, teachers, lawyers, doctors, you name it. But do not be afraid to dream big, believe big, and achieve big. Many of the careers of today were never even imagined 20 years ago, this is the time to think outside the box. The words of Ralph Waldo Emerson ring true, ‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’"

In a symbolic exchange, Alexis Mingo passed the torch from the Class of 2024 to the Class of 2025. The torch was received by Zyra Rollins and Kayle Antonio, the top female and male students of the class of 2025, which symbolizes the continuation of excellence and leadership.

We say once more congratulations to Bahamas Academy and its students as they embark on a new chapter in their lives.

Click here to view Early Learning Centre photos
Click here to view Elementary division photos
Click here to view Secondary division photos
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