The Ephesus 'Gators' Pathfinder Club achieved a remarkable milestone on Sunday, September 10, 2023, by constructing the first-ever community greenhouse. This groundbreaking initiative not only demonstrates their commitment to environmental stewardship but also sets a new standard for community engagement and youth leadership.

The vision is to create a greenhouse that would serve as an educational and resource hub for the entire community. Club Director Dr. Carter spoke excitedly about the project's significance. 

"We're standing in front of this green edifice, which marks the beginning of another project here in our community and our club, which is our garden in honour, and hopefully one that would have benefits not only for the club, but also the community."

The greenhouse situated on the church's property is designed to facilitate sustainable gardening practices, teach residents about horticulture, and offer a space for community members to grow their own fresh produce. 

Elder Earl Thomas also shared his role in this ongoing project. 

He said, "The idea is to have some raised beds built, then we’ll fill those beds with compost and we are going to plant vegetables. We aim to plant vegetables like bok choy, and tomatoes, things that will turnover very quickly…” 

He added, “If all goes well, we will also maybe be able to do some training, so that person is gonna be involved in this kind of backyard gardening”

This greenhouse represents a commitment to both the environment and the Parkgate community. It's a place where young and old can come together to learn, grow, and connect with the natural world. Assistant Youth Director Patrick Wilson had this to say. 

"...You know Spirit of Prophecy says that there is going to come a time when we will not be able to buy nor sell, so this is the time that we prepare our young people on how to go to our own food, how to sustain ourselves, because we do not know when that time will come..."

The community greenhouse is expected to become a model of sustainability and a place where generations can come together to learn, grow, and nurture the environment.