The students, faculty, and staff of Bahamas Academy also showed their solidarity with those affected by Breast Cancer by wearing pink on October 6th. Let's look at what some of the students had to say.

Student 1: "I'm wearing pink today, as you can see, because I wanna represent people that have breast cancer, and respect them."

Student 2: "To show our awareness for breast cancer."

Student 3: "And for those who lost people from cancer, like I did." 

Student 2: "And we are showing our support, and I also lost my grand-parent to breast cancer."

Student 4: "Today Bahamas Academy is standing in solidarity with the people who have died from breast cancer, the people who are fighting, and the people who have already won the battle. Breast cancer is one of the number one killers inside The Bahamas for women and it is important that you guys get checked, and get tested, because it can save a life. Make sure your family members do it as well, because it runs in families."