Bahamas Academy's Secondary Division | Photo credit: John Garcia

On Tuesday, June 13, the graduation ceremony for the Secondary Division took place at the Joe Farrington Auditorium. The senior class of 2023 described themselves as legendary, according to Principal Juliette Sands, with good reason; they were the first class to start elementary school at the Marshall Road campus, the first class to start senior school during the pandemic, and the first senior class to resume lessons after the covid pandemic. Minister of State for Education and Technical and Vocational Training, The Hon. Zane Lightbourne, delivered the keynote address. He congratulated the students for having completed this part of their life’s journey and encouraged them to continue to preserve and strive for excellence wherever they go. The Hon. Zane Lightborne delivering the keynote address | Photo credit: John Garcia

“Be bold in what you do,” Lightbourne said. “Whatever is next, be bold, don’t be timid. Take the leap. And when you fall down, get up.” Lightbourne also reminded the graduates to not neglect their spiritual life. “You must always remember that in all things pray,” Lightbourne added. “You give thanks and you put God first because only what you do for Christ will last”. 

The ceremony continued with the students being recognized for their various achievements during their high school years. The Valedictorian, Dasya McKenzie also received a special award from Nurse Preatta Gibbs of the Philadelphia church. Gibbs presented a combined science award as part of a series of projects that Gibbs and her family members are conducting in memory of her husband who died of heart failure, to encourage students to study STEM subjects. Dasya McKenzie and Salutatorian Carlia Elvies gave heartfelt speeches, encouraging their fellow graduates to continue to persevere and thanking their teachers for their dedication and nurturing of the graduates. The ceremony was indeed a memorable event and a reflection of the hard work the graduates have put into accomplishing this academic milestone. 

 Nurse Preatta Gibbs presenting a combined science award to Valedictorian, Dasya McKenzie | Photo credit: John Garcia

Salutatorian Carlia Elvies presenting speech | Photo credit: John Garcia

Early Learning Centre Ceremony 

In a heartwarming and faith-centered ceremony, the 2023 Early Learning Centre graduates of Bahamas Academy celebrated with an unforgettable graduation event on June 15. The service took place at the Hillview Seventh-day Adventist Church and was filled with proud parents, teachers, and friends. The 17 graduates proudly walked across the stage as they embarked on a new chapter of their academic journey. The highlight of the ceremony was the guest speaker, Jacklyn Brown, who centered her message around the theme, “Anchored in Christ.” Mrs. Brown delivered a powerful and inspiring message to the young graduates, encouraging them to stay grounded in their faith as they navigate through life's challenges. The graduation not only symbolized the end of the kindergarten journey for these young students but also the beginning of a lifelong connection with their faith and a commitment to their education.

2023 ELC Graduates | Photo credit: John Garcia

Elementary Ceremony 

The ceremonies concluded with 49 students proudly graduating from the elementary division on June 15. Dr. Virginia Romer, a veteran educator,  was the guest speaker. Dr. Romer captivated the audience with a heartfelt story about the significance of being anchored. The valedictorian for the class of 2023, Kyis Butler, delivered an inspiring speech and expressed his gratitude to his parents. He acknowledged the honor he felt to be a part of such an exceptional group of individuals and encouraged his fellow graduates to embrace their faith and strive for excellence in all their future endeavors. Parents, friends, and faculty members were filled with pride as they watched the students walk across the stage, receive their certificates, and embark on the next chapter of their academic journey. The atmosphere was brimming with hope and excitement for what the future holds for these young individuals.

Dr. Virginia Romer addressing the graduates | Photo credit: SBC Media Network

Valedictorian Kyis Butler | Photo credit: SBC Media Network

Salutatorian Nahla Damastus | Photo credit: SBC Media Network