Bahamas Academy launched its anti-bullying week from October 16th-20th. On Wednesday the high school and elementary divisions separated as the students attended special chapel services under the theme United Against Bullying. 

The elementary and the early learning center students gathered at the Breath of Life church where they enjoyed a presentation by Pastor Manassah Simms. Pastor Simms shared with the boys and girls the importance of standing up against bullying and being a defender for those who are victimized. 

Simms said, "They might stand up and they might break up the fight, or they may stand up and tell the bully to stop calling names. They may stand up by telling an adult, they may stand up by calling the teacher, or the security guard, or the principal. A defender is someone that we all should be."    

He warned the students to not be bystanders when they see someone being bullied. 

The guest speaker for the high school division was the Superintendent of Police Royston Moss who addressed the alarming concerns of physical verbal and cyberbullying in schools. The senior class also debuted an original anti-bullying song in support of the campaign. The students shared with us their thoughts on the anti-bullying campaign.

The student said, "I think most times we forget that bullying is not only physical, but it can be verbally and online. As young people we spend most of our time online and sometimes we forget that the things we say or do can have consequences on people."