The Bahamas Association of Independent Secondary Schools (B.A.I.S.S.) held its annual service of thanksgiving on November 16th at the Hillview Seventh-day Adventist church. Student leaders and representatives gathered under the theme “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart.” 

According to the President of B.A.I.S.S. Rev. Perry Cunningham, even during our busiest seasons, it is important to take to thank God for his blessings. 

According to Cunningham, "In a world often bustling with activities and distractions taking a moment to pause and reflect on the blessings gracing our lives is indeed a precious gift from God."

Cunningham also reminded those present that coming together in such settings is important to create bonds of unity, especially during times of hardship. 

He said, "Each school has faced its own set of challenges this school year. Notably Lyford Cay International experienced the loss of their beloved principal Mr. David Mindorff, and Queen's College mourned the passing of their head boy Dario Rahming." 

He continued, "Despite these adversities the Lord has remain faithful in sustaining all of us. As we stand united in this collective moment of appreciation for God's goodness, let us acknowledge the invaluable contribution of each individual school within the B.A.I.S.S family."

Students from the member school participated in the various parts of the service. Executive Secretary of the South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Pastor Leonardo Rahming of the Hillview Church prepared a fitting message to the schools. He admonished the various school representatives to not focus on the negative issues that may come, but rather to be in a constant state of thankfulness to God. 

Rahming said, "We ought to give thanks with a grateful heart, and the truth is that we had better enjoy it while we can, because incase you did not know the infidels of this world are after everything that we have. And the truth is that they are deciding not to be thankful, but rather to take away our privilege of being thankful to God for what He is doing" 

His message reminded the student body that there is always a reason to give thanks to God. 

He said, "We have a whole lot to thank God for. As I think about what you are doing here today, we have some really good students principals. The truth is that we have minds that we can still mold and we can still train. Not every young person is negative in The Bahamas."    

At the end of the service, the Head Boy and Head Girl of the schools in B.A.I.S.S. were also awarded for their leadership achievements. The purpose of B.A.I.S.S. is to promote and encourage Christian education in society, enhance a deeper commitment to the principles of Christianity, and provide a forum of the sharing of ideas to member schools.