We continue graduation celebrations with a special news story from Eleuthera. On June 17th, 2024, Adventist youth scholar and head girl of the North Eleuthera High School, Kezia Johnson graduated with top honors as the valedictorian of her class. Kezia's academic achievements were evident at the ceremony, and she shared with ATV News a reflection of that journey. 

Johnson shared, “My high school tenure has been nothing short of amazing. I had an excellent time at North Eleuthera High School, but I think my best years had to have been grade 11 and grade 12, just to name a few or we would be here all day. In grade 11 I became the Junior Director of Tourism for Eleuthera, and I won the Bahamas Youth Climate Change Conference Competition by the office of the Prime Minister. As well, in the 12th grade I became head girl, and an Alpha Kappa Alpha Honors Day Honoree, as well in the month of June I had the once in a lifetime opportunity to travel to Bonn, Germany on behalf of the government of The Bahamas at a subsidiary board meeting from the UNFCCC, as well as I became valedictorian, along with my several subject awards.”

When asked what her greatest accomplishment was, she had this to say. 

Johnson said, "One of my greatest accomplishments has been that I have never taken a Saturday class or broken the Sabbath by taking classes, and I was able to uphold my values and beliefs as a Seventh-day Adventist but, moreover, as a child of God.”

Looking ahead, the recent graduate has her eyes sight on furthering her academic pursuits.

She continued, "In the future, I plan to become a speech and language pathologist, and I plan to take this in intervals, and continue the work that I am doing for the Lord, as well as in my academic journey.”

Kezia ended the interview with these words of encouragement.

Johnson concluded, "To those of you who are still in high school or even out of high school, always remember that your dreams can become a reality if you really work hard towards it .”

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