Schools are closed for the holidays, but the work of educating the next generation continues.  As we enter this season of Christmas, what should be the focus for our children? How many gifts they will receive?  Who is getting the biggest box?  Maybe it will be who gives the most.

The Master Teacher left some valuable lessons for us to live by.  We should be about giving to the One who gave all.  Isn’t it interesting that we celebrate the birth of Christ, but we don’t give Him any of the presents?

Yes, we all have the head knowledge, we believe that Jesus came to this earth.  But how has this information changed us?  Do we still believe that by beholding we will become changed?  By dwelling upon the love of God and our Saviour, by contemplating the perfection of the divine character, and by claiming the righteousness of Christ as ours by faith, we are to be transformed into the same image.

Jesus had head knowledge; He knew what He was about, but He also had a heart for His mission.  He placed all His energy into saving humanity, so much so, that He left all of heaven on a mission that He knew was to end in His death on the cross.  Yet with all His heart He still came to our rescue.  I want to challenge each of you to find it in your heart this season to bring joy to someone in need, someone that you know will not be able to return the same to you.  Remember that Jesus came to “the least of these”.

We are told in Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…”.  This season let us bring joy to someone who needs some painting, cleaning, or cooking done.  Sit with an elderly person and just read a good book to them.  Maybe focus on “being” and giving as opposed to “doing” and receiving.  Volunteer some time at a home for the elderly. Participate in a food distribution center or better yet, pack some groceries and distribute them in your community. 

For our students, this is a good time to log some much-needed community service hours.  “With such preparation as they can gain, thousands upon thousands of the youth and those older in years should be giving themselves to this work……There is no line of work in which it is possible for the youth to receive greater benefit.” Ed. 231.

This is a great time for parents to teach valuable life lessons to our children.  Our sabbath school classes can focus on having them re-commit themselves to Jesus and we all can give to the One whose birth we remember.  Bring a special offering to help those in need.  Let’s put Christ back into Christmas!

-Anthony Burrows, Education Director  South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day  Adventists