With great joy and hope, we greet you in the precious name of Jesus on this Women’s Ministries Sabbath Emphasis Day. Our hearts are joined together as a community of believers worldwide under this motivating and comforting theme: “The God Who Sees You.”

This annual initiative of the WM of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists aims to elevate, encourage, and empower women in their pilgrimage with Christ. As women, we can attest that we are living in testing times. If there was ever a time to be reminded that our God sees us, it is now.

Since the intrusion of sin into our world, every generation has been struggling with suffering and heartaches. Everyone is going through something regardless of age, ethnic background, status, and position in this life. David declares in Psalms 33:13, “The Lord looks from heaven and sees all the sons of men.” What does He see? He sees our needs. The psalmist added: the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are alike to You (Psalm 139:13 NKJV). It does not matter where you are; God sees you.

Edith Ruiz-Empinoza, Inter-American Division Women’s Ministries Director, reflected on the story of three women in the Bible to illustrate how God sees us in our individual and personal times of distress.

The first one was an enslaved woman in a foreign country who got pregnant because her mistress desired a child; mistreated, she ran away but was instructed by an angel to return, then years later, was forced to leave with the child and only a skin of water and bread. When the water was used up, and there was no hope for survival in the desert, God saw her affliction. Do not be afraid; “the God who sees you” is with you.  Deuteronomy 31:6

The story of the second woman is recorded in 2 Samuel 21:10 -14; her two sons were executed because of their father’s actions. She mourned their death, day and night, watching their bodies decaying for six months. What a painful experience for a woman, a mother! But “the God who sees you” saw her pain. Be comforted, for the Lord is near to those who have a broken heart. Ps. 34:18

The third one is a woman caught in a sinful and disgraceful act. Her story is found in John 8: 2 – 12. In her shameful situation, Jesus looked beyond her faults and saw her need for forgiveness and salvation. I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. John 12:47

Someone said, and I quote:” Everyone is either in a storm, coming out of a storm, or heading to a storm.”  God sees you in your storm like Edith. What are your storms today? Are you afraid of a situation beyond your control? Are you going through a difficult season, or do you feel unworthy? Whatever category you find yourself in today, rest assured that your God sees you! He saw the three women in their times of need; he also sees you in your weakest times, goes before you, and fights your battles. He has never been defeated.

 A better day is coming after the storms of this life. Take courage, my sister, for one day, after all the trials, miseries, and sorrows; one day after all the deceptions, rejections, and disappointments; one day after all the injustice, discrimination, and humiliation of this life, you will see your Savior face to face and shout: “Alleluia; Salvation, glory, honor, and power, unto the Lord our God.  For true and righteous are his judgments” Rev 19: 1-2.

But until then, may your prayer be: Please, Lord, give me the grace that I will make it home after all and live with you throughout the endless ages of eternity. Put your trust and faith in the Lord, let Him fight your battles, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, “The God who sees you”!

Sis. Valencia Isnord, Women’s Ministries Council Member