Remembering Pastor Hugh A. Roach

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Hureta "Hugh" Allison Roach was born on the beautiful island of Nassau at the Bahamas General Hospital on May 15, 1935.  He received his primary education on the islands of Nassau, Exuma and Abaco under the watchful eyes of iconic Bahamian educators such as T. G. Glover, H.O. Nash, Carlton Francis, and many others. Hugh was a diligent student and demonstrated his academic prowess when he passed the Cambridge Junior Certificate at the age of 15 and the Cambridge Senior Certificate at 16. 

Inspired by his favorite schoolteachers, Hureta followed in their footsteps and attended the Bahamas Teacher's Training College, and upon completion he taught in the Government school system for a brief while. After accepting the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventists Church, he was baptized and shortly thereafter entered denominational work with the Bahamas Mission of Seventh-day Adventist as a teacher in 1954. A year later he matriculated at Canadian Union College (now Burman University) in Alberta, Canada to earn a bachelor’s degree in Theology with minors in Education and History in 1959. 

After returning from Canadian Union College, he was asked to serve as Principal of Bahamas Academy becoming the first Bahamian to do so. Hureta embraced the opportunity to be Principal, a role he filled for nine years while simultaneously serving as Director of Education, Sabbath School, and Lay Activities at our Mission Conference Headquarters.

While serving as principal, he married Olga Rookwood on August 29, 1961, and the following year he was ordained as a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor in June 1962. Also, while serving as principal, during the summer months he pursued and completed a master’s degree in Education Administration in 1963 from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan.

Pastor Roach was an outstanding orator and he used his gift of speech to the honor and glory of God. Thousands of individuals accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and many of them were baptized as members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Over the years he had the opportunity to minister in several countries including but not limited to Bermuda, Jamaica, Canada, and the United States of America.

Pastor Roach has had a stellar career within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has served in many departments and became President of the Bahamas Conference in 1980 and served two consecutive (three year) terms.  He was not only devoted to his church but also contributed much to Civic society.

He served on the Sandilands Welfare Committee, Executive Director of the International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency, Member of the National Task Force on Drugs, Central Advisory Committee for Education, Community Services – Ministry of Housing, National Drug Council, Member of the Juvenile Panel, Justice of the Peace, Chaplain of the Senate and Chaplain of the House of Assembly. 

Additionally, having been selected as an outstanding Bahamian Clergyman, he was awarded the honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from the B.W.R. Ministries and Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, on December 11, 2000, and also was bestowed the Officer of The Order of the British Empire (OBE) for Service to Religion on May 22, 2003.

With all of these accolades, and while Pastor Roach is thankful for the recognition of his life’s work, his greatest desire was to see Jesus, when he meets Him in the air.

Left to carry on his legacy are his beloved wife Olga, Hubert (son) and Opal (daughter) along with their families and a host of extended family members and friends.

More information will be given at a later date via social media and our other media platforms in regard to the memorial and funeral services for the late Dr. Hugh A. Roach.

--The Administration of the South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

September 2020
5 – 26 Youth Evangelistic Campaigns
6 Launch of CHAM 25th Anniversary           
    ‘Kids Talents For Jesus’ Competition
13 – 19 Health Week
19 Pathfinder Day
26 Sabbath School Guest Day
      Launch of Ingathering

October 2020
9 – 11 – SOAR Solution to Obstacles
                 Adventist Retreat

Health Week Launch
Read our Health Director’s Article:
‘Health Leaders Pivoting for Ministry’

The Health Ministries Department of the Interamerican Division (IAD) has identified the third week of September as Health Emphasis week.

Therefore, we thought it quite fitting to come together as Health Leaders and health professionals to worship and give God praise and thanks for how faithful He has been to us.

Health Ministries continues to carry the mission of the church - To minister to the whole person – body, mind, and spirit, under the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of preparing souls for Christ’s Second Coming. The mission is to demonstrate God’s love by promoting whole person health principles to church leaders, members, and the wider community.

This year we are under the theme: ‘Health Leaders Pivoting for Ministry’. We are continuing to make each church in SBC a center of health, healing, and wholeness in the community where people may increase their health awareness, learn to incorporate standards for healthful living, and find restoration in Christ. I can truly say that the local church Health Leaders in New Providence and the Family Islands continues with this mandate, even though we had to pivot to the electronic platform – Zoom, Google Hangout, etc. Thank you so much leaders for your commitment to God’s work. I encourage you to continue taking good care of yourselves first and then the needs of others. Then bid them follow Christ. “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” The Ministry of Healing, p. 143.

Commendations to Rosemary Cooper, President of the Adventist Health Professionals Association (AHPA), and her fine team of executives and members who have done and continue to do a wonderful job in positively impacting the church and the wider community. Continue to be the hands and feet for Jesus.

My prayer is that God will keep all of the health professions and the membership at large in perfect health so that you can continue the work that is set before you of pointing people to the Master Healer – Jesus Christ.

Let us all keep focused on the great commission until Jesus returns.  “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 28:19.

 --Mrs. Nathelyn Lacroix, Health Ministries Director, South Bahamas Conference

September 12 – 17, 2020

September 12 - Health Emphasis Day under the theme: 'Health Leaders Pivoting for Ministry.' Speaker: Dr. Angeline David Brauer, Health Ministries Director, North American Division. Divine Worship at 11:00a.m via Hillview Church  Zoom, Meeting ID: 333819151

September 12 - Adventist Youth Hour at 6:00p.m. Topic: 'The Whole You' Panel Discussion with Dr. Joseph Evans, Urologist, Dr. Idamae Hanna, Nutritionist, Dr. Yashica Seymour, Pediatrician, Dr. Stephanie Hutchinson, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and Dr. Vanessa Miller, Gynecologist. Come and get your health questions answered. Via Hillview Church Zoom. Meeting ID: 734017448

September 13 - Atlantic Caribbean Union (ATCU), Health Seminar. Topic: The True Foundation of Health.  Facilitators: Dr. Mark Sandoval, Medical Director and Ashwin Sukumaran Lifestyle Practitioner, Uchee Pines Institute, Seale, Alabama.

October 4 - ‘Let’s Move to Live’ Virtual Fun Run Walk at 6:00a.m – 7:00p.m. Come join in the fun and get moving!  Walk in your yard, house or your neighborhood (if permitted).  Once you complete your walk/run take a screen shoot and upload it to Health Ministries Facebook Page. Churches are encouraged to wear their church colours when walking.  For more information, please contact your local Health Leader. Official opening via zoom. Meeting ID: TBA

Celebrating 25th Anniversary
Talent Competition Ongoing
In conjunction with the General Conference’s Children’s Ministries Department we are celebrating 25 years of ministry to children and adolescents! To commemorate this event, we are calling all children and teens to join us in showcasing their talents and gifts in a competition called Kids Talents for Jesus. The theme is, ‘Jesus is My Best Friend’. We would love to see the talent of your children, please send in their best piece of art, or poetry, or media production emphasizing this theme. The deadline for submissions is October 16, 2020 (please submit to your CHAM leader). For more information please contact your local leader. Details, including rules and criteria for the competition can also be found on the Conference Website via the CHAM page.

Upcoming CHAM Events
October 25 - 31 – CHAM Week of Prayer
November 21 – Children’s Day (Joint)A.M.
November 21 – Agape Praise (Joint) P.M.

–Mrs. Lavern Sturrup, Children & Adolescent Ministries Director

This week and every week thereafter, we will stay connected thorough our “Sisters for Sisters” words of empowerment and inspiration, coming from women across our Conference. The submission this week is part 2 by Sis. Stacy Wallace, WM Local Leader, Johnson Park Church.

Never Worthless – Part 2
Suddenly, my mind flashed back to a question my mother-in-law always asked before she was about to witness the gospel to a stranger. I then softly asked, "Do you know Jesus?".

The question threw her for a minute, and it stopped her hysterical crying" I don't know", was her answer. I then said, "Well I know Him and the God I know and serve will not let us die inside here".

Let me tell you about some of the things He has done….I told her about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and what God had done for them in the fiery furnace. I told her about Daniel and what God has done for him in the lion's den. In addition, how he commanded the storm to be still as it rocked the boat that held his disciples. If he did it for all of them, He will surely do this for us and we need not fret, was what I said. The stories seemed to provide comfort to the woman and as the little girl saw her mother calm down then she began to calm down too.

I then took out my phone and dialed the person who I had come to see and told her that we were stuck in the elevator. She assured me that help was on the way. After I hung up, I told the woman that someone was coming to get us out soon and I then asked her if she had a favorite gospel song, we could sing. Her face lit up and she replied yes...and began to raise the song What a Friend we have in Jesus. I never sang so loud, so bad and so proud all at the same time in my life. I must admit something though, I had also never been so afraid in all my life either. As I was speaking to this woman, while we were in this situation, I was also looking for reassurance from the Holy Spirit. When she raised that song, (as it was one of my favorites too), that was all the confirmation I needed.

When we were finished the song, I squeezed her hand and said, let us pray. Usually I get nervous in some situations where I am asked to pray without notice and I can draw a complete blank, but not this time. My prayer flowed and flowed and flowed and in between me crying out to our Lord for His loving and gentle reminder of my worth, I could hear the woman murmuring the words, "Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Lord".

Minutes later the dim overhead lights in the elevator got brighter and there was a loud rumbling sound and we could hear the machine starting up again; and just like that, we began to move and then we were almost at the top floor. I was still holding the women’s hand, the woman was still holding onto her daughter's hand when the elevator stopped and we all stepped out. "Are you all ok?” was one of the questions the big group of people were asking us…" Were you all afraid?" asked another.

"Yes I was scared", replied the woman but this Pastor woman helped me (Pastor Woman? I thought,)...the woman went on…"I sometimes have anxiety attacks but God put her in the right place at the right time. She was so courageous and was not even afraid at all. I want to be strong Christian women just like her one day".

I was tempted to look behind me once or twice because I never would have used any of those words to describe myself, especially not that day. In fact, on that day I was so wrapped up in my own self-pity I could not imagine being a blessing to someone else in need.

In these challenging times we tend to get so caught up in the stuff that we once had and may not anymore due to this pandemic. It could be cars, homes, jobs and all sorts of material things and comforts that we have become accustomed too and have wrongly used these things to define our worth. When we no longer have some of these things then we can experience feelings of worthlessness.

Sisters whenever we feel this way we must Pray, Praise, and keep our mind focused on Him. Our God will do all that His word says He will do. Also, remember that He has placed a special gift in each one of us and that "we are all fearfully and wonderfully made". Psalm 139:14

So even when we are grieved, saddened, depressed, confused, feeling worthless or unworthy remember we are special creatures created by a God who loves us. He knows that there is greatness in each one of us, because it was Him that put it there. Our God will always find ways to remind us of who and whose we are and why we can never be counted as worthless.

Upcoming Events
Friday, October 30th, 2020 - ATCU Vesper Service Celebrating 25 years of Women’s Ministries. Details to follow. Watch here for date - “Pandemic Panic births Prayer and Praise”. Stay tuned for more details on this November Women’s Ministries event.

Pause and Pray Wednesday
Don’t forget our weekly Pause and Pray appointment on Wednesdays at noon.

Donation Request: Used, But In Good Condition Devotionals
Kindly donate to your local Women’s Ministries Leader for distribution during our community outreach projects this year.

--Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson, Women’s Ministries Director

World Pathfinder Day - Sabbath, September 19, 2020

As we celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Pathfinders, on that morning local clubs will lead Divine services in their local churches. In the afternoon there will be a JOINT ATCU Virtual Pathfinder Congressoree with Pathfinders from across the 4 Conferences at 6:00p.m. Stay tune for live streaming details!

Cancellation – Youth Church. There will be no joint AY on September 26, 2020.

--Pastor Jamal Franklyn, Youth Director

Television broadcast to launch on September 27, 2020.

On Sunday, September 27, 2020, the first episode of the Power of Truth broadcast will air on the Adventist Television Cable Channel 658 (Hope Channel) at 5:30p.m.- 6:00p.m. This half-hour weekly program will be dedicated to reaching atheists, agnostics, and persons categorized as having a secular mind. This will be done through the production and distribution of television and radio programs designed to awake interest in the study of the Bible, and the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Power of Truth program will be repeated on Tuesday evenings at 8:00p.m.

If you have family members, friends, co-workers who do not believe in God; or if you know persons who no longer have an interest in attending church, studying the Bible or having a relationship with Jesus, this is the program for them. The Speaker/ Host for the program is Pastor T. Basil Sturrup.

Please Email Weekly Announcements
By Tuesday at 3:00p.m.

CALL 341-4021
September 19, 2020 - 7:08p.m.

Happy Sabbath!