Dear Praying Church Members Worldwide: What an exciting time in history to be alive! While all around the world men’s hearts are failing them for fear, we can move forward in faith with our eyes fixed firmly upon Jesus. He is in control! Nothing catches Him by surprise—not tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, fires, or even a worldwide pandemic. He is still on the throne.

For many months now, plans have been in process for a very special prayer initiative called 100 Days of Prayer. We believe God orchestrated the timing for the 100 Days of Prayer far in advance. This prayer initiative, scheduled to run March 27 – July 4, 2020, was originally intended to focus on praying for the Holy Spirit outpouring on the 2020 General Conference Session in Indianapolis. However, with the Coronavirus pandemic sweeping our world, and with many unsettling events now taking place, what better time to be pressing together as a church in prayer as we seek strength in time of crisis, as well as Holy Spirit power for the mission before us.

I want to encourage you to take part in this very special prayer initiative. While the General Conference Session will no longer be occurring in June of 2020 as originally planned (it will now take place May 20-25, 2021, at the Indianapolis Convention Center—please watch ANN or the Adventist Review website for updates on the General Conference Session), we will continue to pray for the Holy Spirit outpouring on our lives, our church, and on our leaders. In addition, we will also be praying for all the people infected with COVID-19 or who have loved ones suffering. We will be praying for those struggling in isolation, for wisdom for our government leaders, and for the advancement of the mission of our church in these challenging times. Each day specific prayer requests will be shared.

As we prepare our hearts for this 100 Days of Prayer, beginning March 27th, 2020, let’s remember the promise of Jer. 29:13: “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” The Lord also tells us: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me” Ps. 50:15. What a promise for today!

We are in the midst of a worldwide crisis. How can we respond? In the book Prophets and Kings, we see how Elijah responded to the crisis in His day.

It was because Elijah was a man of large faith that God could use him in this grave crisis in the history of Israel. As he prayed, his faith reached out and grasped the promises of Heaven, and he persevered in prayer until his petitions were answered. He did not wait for the full evidence that God had heard him but was willing to venture all on the slightest token of divine favor. And yet what he was enabled to do under God, all may do in their sphere of activity in God’s service... Faith such as this is needed in the world today—faith that will lay hold on the promises of God’s word and refuse to let go until Heaven hears” (Prophets and Kings, p. 157).

God is looking for the Elijah’s of today— men and women who will pray in faith and take Him at His Word! Let’s be that person who will not stop praying until heaven hears. 

What to expect during the 100 Days of Prayer: 

• Each Friday (starting on March 27th for 15 weeks total) there will be an inspirational reading or testimony giving hope and courage as we seek God’s wisdom in our time of great need.

• Each day specific prayer requests reflecting ongoing needs will be e-mailed out for all those who register online. Prayer requests on behalf of your church/conference/union/division can be submitted and will be considered for inclusion in these daily mailings.

• Additional books and resources to help you go deeper in your walk with God, as well as outreach ideas for these challenging times, will be recommended and shared each week.

It’s time to pray! While we may not be able to pray in person with our church family, there are still many ways that we can join together electronically via phone, video conferencing, or other social media outlets. Even when we are not always together, we are still united in Spirit, and prayer can go places we cannot go. So, let’s press together on our knees as we seek God’s mercy in our time of urgent need.

In the Blessed Hope!

Ted N.C. Wilson
And the General Conference Prayer Ministry Leadership.



The South Bahamas Conference headquarters, the Adventist Book & Nutrition Center and all of our churches will remain closed until further notice. We will continue to adhere to the protocols outlined by the Bahamas Government and an update will be provided on March 31, 2020.

Individual church services will continue to be held online or via various social media platforms. Please get further information on this from your church Pastors or Clerks. Information should have also been provided concerning the options for returning tithe and offering during this time. Kindly see our Conference website, click the link at the top of the page labelled ‘Online Giving’ and follow the directions given.

Thank you for your faithfulness during these unusual times and may God continue to hold you in the hollow of His hands. --Administration. 

Bible Class will be broadcast live on Youtube w_as=subscriber (Look for Englerston Adventist) @ 6:30 P.M on Sunday, March 29.

If you would like to interact with the lesson via Microsoft Teams, then send an email to Topic: Let the Make Me a Sanctuary.

The sermon for New Englerston Church will also be broadcast live via Youtube. 

- Pastor Lynden Williams, Bible Studies & Spirit of Prophecy Coordinator.

Covid19 - Tips for Boosting the Immune System

1. Exercise regularly. The more physically fit that you are, the more likely you can prevent the development of an infection.

2. Eat an immune-promoting diet. Consume foods with lots of antioxidants (fruits and vegetables), and avoid excess sugars, fats, and highly processed foods.

3. Maintain optimum vitamin D levels. Through daily sunshine exposure and Vitamin D3 supplementation.

4. Fresh Air. Keep windows open with a constant flow of fresh air through your home or workspace and spend much time outdoors in your yard.

5. Take daily contrast showers. With your shower, alternate between hot and cold, beginning with hot and ending with cold. It is important to note: If you have heart disease, are elderly, or have balance issues, do not use this. 

6. Rest. Those who are well rested are better able to fight or resist infections. Sleep deprivation causes immune suppression. So, get to bed early and rest at least 7-9 hours each night.

7. Drink freely of water.  

8. Maintain a good attitude. Thoughts, whether positive or negative have direct effects on our immune system. Those who are happy, joyful, confident, loving, compassionate, etc. are better able to resist infection than those who are depressed, insecure, suffering from guilt, revengeful, and self-focused. Therefore, a strong relationship with God and trust in His love has a significant impact upon immune function and susceptibility to infection.

Excerpts taken from

-- Provided by the Health Ministries Department of the South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. 

"A forum for further thought on the weekly Sabbath School Lesson". Tune into WORD SBC88.3 FMbyRadioorOnlineontheTUNE IN radio app (WORD SBC 88.3FM) and experience this innovative, interactive and in- depth exchange on Tuesdays@ 7:30 p.m.; Fridays @ 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and on Sabbaths @ 6:30 a.m. Program Host: Elder Roger Rolle, AMR Music Ministry. Contact us @ telephone 698-3461 or

Staying home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can bring unexpected perks. 

Here are 12 suggestions to consider: 

1. Be thankful. Chances are, the quarantine has affected your personal and family daily routine. Both in your personal and your family life, however, make a point of being thankful for what you have and not complain about what you lack.

2. Memorize Scripture, the “old-fashioned” way. What if we make a point of selecting a section or a book of the Bible and memorize it? You’ll be surprised how much your memory can stretch if you push it a little!

3. Enlarge your list of prayer requests. As a Seventh-day Adventist, you likely are already praying for those affected by the pandemic and their close relatives. Now it’s time to enlarge your list.

4. Brush up on that neglected hobby or activity. A few extra minutes a day may help you to resume a half-forgotten hobby or activity.

5. Carve out some daily time for solo or family singing.

6. Be intentional about family conversations. Perhaps quarantine can become a wonderful time to finally have some of those family talks you’ve been putting off for a while. 7. Make at least one specific positive change to your health. If you are a regular commuter, make the decision to use at least part of the time saved to make a positive change to your health. Choose your food more carefully. Sleep one more hour. Increase your physical exercise time. If you can’t go out (or if it’s not advisable to do so), exercise at home.

8. Use social media to encourage others: Move past coronavirus memes and doomsday-prediction videos to make the most of the opportunities social media present to bless others. 

9. Do not overlook church services: Even though most in-person church services have been canceled or moved online, church service time should still be used to gather, praise, and study God’s Word. Do not assume that because “there’s no church,” you have more time to spend on other pursuits.

10. Re-evaluate your priorities and what’s important in life.

11. Ask God to give you peace of mind and balance. At a time when thousands have turned to social media to post anything from flat-out denials to startling conspiracy theories, ask God to help you stay balanced and positive.

12. Renew your commitment to Jesus and His church. Use this period of relative confinement to renew your resolve to be faithful, even unto death (Rev. 2:10).

Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review Excerpt taken from MARCH 19, 2020 edition.

Please Email Weekly Announcements
By Tuesday at 3:00p.m. 

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CALL 341-4021 SUN SETS NEXT SABBATH April 4, 2020 at 7:27p.m. 

Happy Sabbath!