A Healthy Start

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Prospering in Health Through Christ Our Soon Coming King’ is the theme of the Health Ministries Department for this year. It is important to keep our health at a level that is optimal so that Christ can use us for His glory. Currently, the prevalence of illness is at an all-time high within the church. I encourage you to make some lifestyle changes so that you can truly proposer in health and be an agent of change in preparing souls for Christ, Our Soon Coming King.

When we were created, the plan was for us to live eternally. However, that all changed when man sinned. Our spiritual, emotional and physical faculties declined. Even though we are imperfect, we can live an abundant life, through Christ. To get off to a healthy start there are three things that you want to practice daily; a consistent prayer life, protecting your mind (frontal lobe) and taking proper care of your body.

‘Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed’. Mark 1;35. Power comes when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and this can only be gotten through the avenue of prayer. We are admonished not to harbor unforgiveness. ‘Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective’.

Whatever we see and listen to are stored in the frontal lobe. If the frontal lobe is contaminated there is no room for the Holy Spirit to abide. If the Holy Spirit is not abiding in you, you are going through the motions. ‘Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus’.

Modern science is proving that God’s way is best. The medical field is encouraging people to eat more plant-based foods, exercise, drink more water, get more sunlight to enhance vitamin D, eat proper portion sizes, breathe freely and deeply in the open air, get at least 7 – 8 hours of sleep nightly, and pray more.

On February 8th at 6:00p.m you are all invited to get off to a healthy start as the 15th Annual 8 Weeks to Wellness program starts at the New Providence Seventh-day Adventist Church. The program runs for eight consecutive weeks and is held Mondays 6:00p.m - 8:00p.m. At the weekly meetings you can expect; exercise 6:00p.m – 6:30p.m, devotions, preliminaries, incentives and testimonials, 6:30p.m – 7:00p.m, health lecture 7:00p.m – 7:30p.m and 7:30p.m – 8:00p.m break out coaching sessions in groups of ten. There will be individual goal setting and weekly reports within the groups. Some topics that will be covered are, Cancer Prevention, Managing and Preventing NCD’s (pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, cancer, etc), Food as Medicine, Back Yard Gardening, Natural Remedies, Vegetarian Cooking and more. I encourage you to come and be a part of this life-changing program so that you can do great exploits for Our Soon Coming King. A small donation is required. For more information on registration contact at 826-8486 or 341-4021.
--Mrs. Nathelyn LaCroix, Health Ministries Director

January 2020
21 - 26   OYIM University (Online)
24 - 26   Sabbath School Teaching Training
25   Youth Church ACLASS Graduation and Consecration (Joint AY p.m)
26   Master Guide Program Registration
26   Departmental Training
26 - Feb. 2   Week of Prayer for the Pastoral Family
26 & Feb. 2   Communication Department Training (Joint digital mixer board training for all churches)
30 - Feb. 2   Screening for 8 Weeks to Wellness

January 24-25, 2020
Inagua – Pastor Peter Joseph

Bible Class resumes on Sunday February 9, 2020 at 6:30, the New Englerston Seventh-day Adventist Church. Initial subjects will include Sabbath, Second Coming, State of the Dead, Sanctuary, Seal of God, Spirit of Prophecy, Salvation.

The lessons will be interactive, and attendees will be furnished with links to free online information for further reading. Attendees are encouraged to download the Logos Bible Software app for their phones/tables and computers.

Other topics to be covered this year include: Why your Bible has 66 books and not 88, how to discover the author of a Bible book, using Greek and Hebrew words, finding themes in a book of the Bible the authors core message and much more. bible@sbcadventist.org.bs for further information.

Our first meeting for the new year will be held on Tuesday January 28, 2020 at the South Bahamas Conference headquarters at 6:00p.m. All CHAM leaders for our churches are asked to be in attendance. Leaders that are not available are kindly asked to send an assistant.
--Mrs. Lavern Sturrup, Children & Adolescent Ministries Director

Registration for the hands-on training to be held on January 26 & February 2, 2020 on the Digital Mixer Board is CLOSED.
Please Note: Only those persons that are registered will be accommodated at this time. Another session will be held later this year. Thank you for your cooperation. 

– Mrs. Lavern Sturrup, Communication Director

All Education Secretaries are asked to meet for a very important meeting on Wednesday January 22nd, at 5:30 p.m. at the Conference office. 

–Elder Anthony Burrows, Education Director

8 Weeks to Wellness Coaches Needed
An invitation is extended to all persons who would like to be a coach or volunteer in any of the areas of the 8 Weeks to Wellness 2020 program. The next training session is scheduled for Monday, January 27, at the Conference Headquarters at 5.30p.m.  

Health Ministries Leadership Training
All Health leaders, assistants and Adventist Health Professionals are invited to a training session on January 26, 2020 from 9:00a.m to noon in the boardroom at the South Bahamas Conference. Vital information will be given on leadership, public speaking, preparing PowerPoint Presentations and much more. 

--Mrs. Nathelyn LaCroix, Health Ministries Director

January 24 @ 7:00p.m
January 25 @ 9:30a.m
January 25 @ 11:00a.m
January 26 @ 8:00a.m
These meetings will be held at the Grant’s Town Seventh- day Adventist Church, Wellington Street.
Topics will include: Keys to Mission Success and How to Take Your Class on a Journey.
Our guest presenter will be Elder Curtis Hall, from Atlanta, Georgia.  

--Pastor Leonardo Rahming, Sabbath School Director

Adventist Men Leaders’ Meeting will be held on Tuesday January 28th, 6:00p.m at Conference Office.

Please Note: Adventist Men can now register for the Florida Conference’s Men’s Ministries Convention, Camp Kalaqua to be held on March 13-15, 2020.  The event is for males 13 and older. Register online as soon as possible. 

-- Elder Curtis Bryan, Men’s Ministries Coordinator

First Quarter (January - March)
“WE” (Women Empowerment) – Q1 Forecast:

January, 2020
26   French Speaking Churches WM Consecration Service - 6:30 p.m Francophone Church

February, 2020
2   “Beauty for Ashes”,  Widows Ministry Prayer Breakfast - 7:00a.m Berea SDA Church
7   Zone 1  WM Consecration Service 7:00p.m Berea Church

March, 2020

1-7   SBC “Women Saved By Grace” Evangelistic Series - 6:45p.m New Providence Church
7   International Women’s Day of Prayer
20-22   WM “God’s Daughters Embrace” San Salvador Mission Retreat & Zone 1- Outreach

Upcoming Events
Do you want to exchange your average life for deeper faith, greater power and more ministry impact? Join the women of the South Bahamas Conference as they “Meet Jesus at the Well”, exchanging their dry, thirsty and sometimes broken service, for a Grace that is greater than all our sin.
Come and drink of this life changing water, that will spiritually quench and hydrate us, as Sis. Beverley Williams ministers to us nightly. You don’t want to miss this exciting, power packed week, as we delve into issues where others dare not go. See You at the Well!

All ladies interested in the South Bahamas Conference Women’s Ministries, God’s Daughters Embrace Mission Retreat in San Salvador, kindly call 357-8030 to reserve your space.

 Pray and Pause Wednesday
Don’t forget our weekly Pause and Pray appointment on Wednesdays at noon.

Donation Request for Used, But In Good Condition Devotionals
Kindly donate to your local Women’s Ministries leader for distribution during our community outreach projects this year.
--Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson, Women’s Ministries Director

Youth Church 2020 Launch:
Joint AY Service will be held at the Good News Seventh-day Adventist Church, on Sabbath, January 25, 2020 at 4:00p.m. A special consecration for AY Leaders, Pathfinder & Adventurer Directors, AY Sponsors and Elders for Youth is planned!  
Dress Code: Leaders/Directors: AY & Masterguide Uniform.  Youth: Church T-Shirt
Masterguide Registration 2020: Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 8:00a.m., Conference Office.
Monthly Meetings: Adventurer & Pathfinder Directors - Monday, February 3, 2020, 7:00p.m - 8:00p.m., Conference Office. AY Leaders - Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 7:00p.m - 8:00p.m., Conference Office.
--Pastor Jamal Franklyn, Youth Director

         Please Email Weekly Announcements
                   To: sbclogos@gmail.com 
               Or logos@sbcadventist.org.bs 
                     By Tuesday at 3:00p.m.