A Time to Reflect

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I bring greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The process of reflection and evaluation may seem overbearing and inconvenient due to the cares and concerns of the day. However, one side effect of this global pandemic is the opportunity to slow down and examine the records of our day-to-day lives. For some, the results confirm that we are doing as well as we perceive; however, for others, we note that some adjustments are needed.  In normal terms, this process is called reflection, but when associated with finance, this process is known as an audit.

An audit is simply an official examination of records (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020). This examination is done to ensure compliance with standards and accuracy of reporting. The Bible admonishes us to “examine and probe our way” (Lamentations 3:40). One way to do this is to audit the scripture and ensure that our character aligns with that of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It may appear out of place to use the term audit with the Bible, but we are encouraged to examine or “search the scriptures…” (John 5:39).

Throughout our worldwide organization, the Audit Department performs internal audits on all entities (churches, schools, book center, etc.) under its governance. This process consists of reviewing key documents and procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls and to determine if the entity is in compliance with control policies. If there are deviations from effective controls, recommendations are made for the entity to implement and ensure future compliance.

As Christians, we should count it a joy to perform audits in our personal lives to ensure compliance with the Word of God. Likewise, let’s not allow the worldly perception of the audit process to veil the importance and necessity of it in our churches and other entities. Rather, let us welcome them to maintain an effective system of control until the return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

--Mr. Okell Damastus, Auditor, South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

September 2020
5 – 26 Youth Evangelistic Campaigns
6 Launch of CHAM 25th
Anniversary – General Conference Art Competition
13 – 19 Health Week
19 Pathfinder Day
26 Sabbath School Guest Day
      Launch of Ingathering

In these unchartered and challenging times, we want to assure all of our members of God's promises found in His Word, the Bible, which is above His name.

First of all, we have the assurance found in Matthew 28:20, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

God made a promise to Job, who went through similar or even more significant difficulties then we are, God told him in Job 42:12, "your latter days will be greater than your beginning." What a promise, what an assurance! We can claim that same promise today.

Please remember to abide by all of the health protocols, wear your face mask, wash your hands frequently, and keep your physical distance and avoid crowds.

Our churches are ready to assist as best as possible, any member who may be experiencing difficulties. Please give your Sabbath School Unit leaders, Elders, or your Pastor a call. If there are difficulties in reaching any of them, please call 242-341-4021.

Proverbs 3:5,6 says “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

May the good Lord continue to keep each of us all in the hollow of His hands.


Adjusted Store Hours

The Adventist Book Center will be open: Mondays - Thursdays 9:00a.m – 5:00p.m. Fridays - 9:00a.m – 2:00p.m. Sundays 9:00a.m – 1:00p.m. If you would like to get our WhatsApp updates on closures or specials, please message 242-341-2429 to be added.

--Mr. Noel Browne

Celebrating 25th Anniversary
We thank God for the many blessings He has afforded us even in the midst of unprecedented times. Watch here for information on the official events of the CHAM department to be held worldwide/locally to celebrate this awesome milestone.

Vacation Bible School Continues
Message of Hope Church will host the Heroes VBS Program from August 31 – September 4, 2020. For information on how your child can join send a WhatsApp message to 816-3342.

Help Hotline
On behalf of our children, we continue to solicit: Report abuse. Call the Social Services Hotline at 422-2763.

– Mrs. Lavern Sturrup, Children & Adolescent Ministries Director

Health Week – September 12 – 17, 2020
September 12 - Health Emphasis Day under the theme: 'Health Leaders Pivoting for Ministry.' Speaker: Dr. Angeline David Brauer, Health Ministries Director, North American Division. Divine Worship at 11:00a.m via Hillview Church Zoom, Meeting ID: 333819151

September 12 - Adventist Youth Hour at 6:00p.m. Topic: 'The Whole You' Panel Discussion with Dr. Joseph Evans, Urologist, Dr. Idamae Hanna, Nutritionist, Dr. Yashica Seymour, Pediatrician, Dr. Stephanie Hutchinson, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and Dr. Vanessa Miller, Gynecologist. Come and get your health questions answered. Via Hillview Church Zoom. Meeting ID: 734017448

September 13 - Atlantic Caribbean Union (ATCU), Health Seminar. Topic: The True Foundation of Health. Facilitators: Dr. Mark Sandoval, Medical Director and Ashwin Sukumaran Lifestyle Practitioner, Uchee Pines Institute, Seale, Alabama.

 October 4 - ‘Let’s Move to Live’ Virtual Fun Run Walk at 6:00a.m – 7:00p.m. Come join in the fun and get moving! Walk in your yard, house or your neighborhood (if permitted). Once you complete your walk/run take a screen shoot and upload it to Health Ministries Facebook Page. Churches are encouraged to wear their church colours when walking.

For more information, please contact your local Health Leader. Official opening via zoom. Meeting ID: TBA

--Mrs. Nathelyn LaCroix, Health Leader, South Bahamas Conference

Health Tip - Sweet Dreams
Some of us have had enough rest and sleep during these lockdowns that we could bottle some of it to save for later. But rest assured that adequate rest is very important for our overall health. Taking time to stop and refresh has been proven to preserve and extend life. Rest does wonders for the body including boosting your mood and improving learning and memory. Also, while you sleep, your blood pressure and blood sugar levels decrease making you less likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Proper rest helps you fight off illnesses and diseases. It also helps with weight control because when you’re well-rested, you feel less hungry. Sleep needs vary from person to person, however, too much sleep may do more harm than good. It has been documented that the sleep you get before midnight is better for your body. Therefore, aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night for optimal health benefits.

--Mrs. Jorjette Bain, Assistant Leader, Philadelphia Church

Mental Health Hotline
If you are experiencing stress during this pandemic, please call The Crisis Centre for help at (242)-328-0922 (242)-565-9633

--Mrs. Nathelyn LaCroix, Health Director

Special Training Continues – August 30 & September 6, 2020
All Sabbath School officers and teachers are asked to attend a very special training that will be conducted via zoom on the Sundays mentioned at 10:00 in the morning. Pastor Samuel Telemaque & Sis. Jennifer Kerr along with Sabbath School directors from Atlantic Caribbean Union will lead in the training. Looking forward to your support.

--Pastor Leonardo Rahming, Sabbath School Director

Please note that due to this COVID-19 pandemic, our regular submission format has changed. This week and every week thereafter, we will stay connected thorough our “Sisters for Sisters” words of empowerment and inspiration, coming from women across our Conference.

The submission this week is by Sis. Wendy Butler, Grant’s Town Church

Blessings Amidst Crisis
For too many, everything may seem like doom and gloom at the moment. Many may ask, “Where is God? Does He not see that we are in the midst of a world crisis? How long will He allow this crisis to continue? It is times like these when hope is at its weakest. However, it is also times like these when we must trust in His plan and cling to His promises to never leave nor forsake us.

Just as the darkest nights produce the brightest of stars and we focus on the stars rather than the darkness, when we are faced with the unimaginable and all hope seems lost, only when we shift focus and see beyond our circumstances will we see the many blessings and hidden gems that have been placed in our lives. For, you see, something positive can come out of every situation, no matter how dismal things may seem.

When we experience God working in our lives, and the lives of others, we can say and believe like the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:28 NIV “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. In God’s plan, nothing happens by chance. Life will not always be good, but God can use any and every situation, good or bad, to our benefit and for His glory.

God is still God. He always has been and always will be. So, in the darkest of circumstances when we may not be able to praise, sing, or pray, we can cling to our conviction that God is still God. I am reminded of Ephesians 3:20 KJV "Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us." God is bigger than our limited expectations. Let us come boldly to the throne of grace and put Him to the test by asking and expecting more.

Upcoming Event
“Pandemic Panic births Prayer and Praise”. Stay tuned for more details on this Women’s Ministries event.

Pause and Pray Wednesday
Don’t forget our weekly Pause and Pray appointment on Wednesdays at noon.

Donation Request, Used, But In Good Condition Devotionals
Kindly donate to your local Women’s Ministries Leader for distribution during our community outreach projects this year.
--Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson, Women’s Ministries Director

The Youth Department wishes to congratulate the 2020 winners of Bible Connection at all levels. Parents, club directors and AY leaders must be commended for promoting the study of God´s Word.
1st Place - Dakharai Greene - Berea
2nd Place - Annalise Duncombe- New Englerston
3rd Place - Malachi Bodie - Grant´s Town /Cat Island

1st Place - Joshelyn Wood - Living Faith
2nd Place - Danae Greene - Berea
3rd Place - Azaria Wallace - Hillview

Adventist Youth:
1st Place - Pharez Darceuil - Berea
2nd Place - Chanté Deal - Johnson Park
3rd Place - Winston Smith - New Englerston

Back2School Revival 2020
This revival with Pastor Gibson LaCroix begins Friday, August 28 at 7:00p.m. and Sabbath, August 29 at 11:00 a.m. & 6:00p.m. On Facebook, YouTube at PassItOn242! The Zoom ID will be shared by AY Leaders!

World Pathfinder Day
September 19, 2020
Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Pathfinders In the morning Local Clubs will lead services in their local churches. In the Afternoon there will be a JOINT ATCU Virtual Pathfinder Congressoree. With Pathfinders from across the 4 conferences at 6:00p.m! Stay tune for live streaming details!

Bethany Family Ministries Department is conducting a series of virtual seminars entitled "Finding Paradise in Pandemic". Every Sunday now until end of September at 6:00p.m join us via the Zoom link: 2420123456. This Sunday our presenters will be Pastor & Sis. Drackett and Pastor & Sis. Simms. They will present to couples, single youth and children on the topic: ¨The Balancing Act¨.

Please Email Weekly Announcements
To: sbclogos@gmail.com
Or logos@sbcadventist.org.bs
By Tuesday at 3:00p.m.

CALL 341-4021
September 5, 2020 - 7:24p.m.
Happy Sabbath!