Messages of Hope Shared Through Covid19

Click here to download for print distribution.

Bill was at a gas station pumping gas when suddenly he felt a strong impression to give a GLOW tract to a well-dressed woman on the other side of the pump standing near her vehicle. He tried to brush aside the impression, but it remained, and with ever-increasing intensity, the impression persisted as the seconds wore on. After some hesitancy, Bill finally relented, went over, and handed her a few GLOW tracts. The woman inquired as to which church puts these pamphlets out. When she learned, a huge smile spread across her face. She had attended an Adventist church when she was a little girl! That next Sabbath she once again attended the local Adventist church, after quite a stretch of time away, and is now a baptized and active member of that local Adventist church.

We read that the work of printing and sharing literature has been ordained by God and that this ministry will change individual’s lives for eternity (see Ellen G. White's Christian Service, p. 148). And yet, how can we share the message of hope during these uncertain times? What can we do when we are all staying at home and personal contacts with others aren’t as available or encouraged while we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic?

Right before Easter this year a number of members began to mail their family members, friends, and coworkers sharing books such as The Desire of Ages and Story of Hope, along with personal note. One of the book recipients of the The Desire of Ages posted a picture of the book and the attached personal note on social media with the following comment: “The sweetest gift, sent from a loving neighbor. ... truly blessed.”  It is not that complicated to make a difference, even while stuck at home!

So how can we share literature right now?
1. Read the literature: Rediscover the power and encouragement found in the pages of our Adventist books, tracts, or magazines for yourself.
2. Pray: Ask God to guide you to the people that need to be encouraged and blessed by our literature at this time.
3. Share literature by mail: Write a personal note and include it with the book or magazine that you will mail to them.
4. Share literature digitally: Share the COVID-19 and other GLOW tracts via social media, text, or email.

I pray that God blesses you as you share the written word with others. May we all hear these words one day, “Thank you for sending me that book/for sharing that tract or magazine with me. I found Jesus because of you!”

--This article was originally published on the North American Division’s news site. As published by the Adventist News Network by Kamil Metz, May 9, 2020.

August 2020
15 - Adventist Education Emphasis Day
22 – Abuse Prevention Day (enditNowDay)

Adjusted Lockdown Store Hours
The Adventist Book Center will be open: Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00a.m – 3:00p.m. Fridays - 9:00a.m – 2:00p.m.

The South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists continues its Bible Class on Sunday August 16, 2020 featuring Sanctuary Scenes from the Book of Revelation with Pastor Lynden Williams. The session will begin at 6:30p.m. to 7:30p.m. For further information please contact Pastor Lynden Williams via email at

-- Pastor Lynden Williams, Bible Studies & Spirit of Prophecy Coordinator

Health Tip
Most persons consume 42-teaspoons of sugar each day. People are unaware of the amounts of sugar found in ordinary pastries, desserts, drinks, and snack foods. A high sugar intake is implicated in elevation of the serum lipoprotein, which is just as bad, if not worse, than high cholesterol in the production of heart disease. Sugar consumption has also been associated with dental caries, gallbladder disease, diabetes, acne, indigestion and immunity health. In the book Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 321, the following statement appears: “The less of sweet foods… eaten, the better; these cause disturbances in the stomach, and produce impatience and irritability in those who accustom themselves to their use.”

--Excerpts from Uchee Pines Counselling Sheets. See entire article here

If you are experiencing stress during this pandemic, please call The Crisis Centre for help at (242)-328-0922 (242)-565-9633

--Mrs. Nathelyn LaCroix, Health Director

Special Training – August 16, 23, 30 & September 6, 2020
All Sabbath School officers and teachers are asked to attend a very special training that will be conducted via zoom for the next four (4) Sunday's at 10:00 in the morning. Pastor Samuel Telemaque & Sis. Jennifer Kerr along with Sabbath School directors from Atlantic Caribbean Union will lead in the training. Looking forward to your support.

--Pastor Leonardo Rahming, Sabbath School Director

Please note that due to this COVID-19 pandemic, our regular submission format has changed.
This week and every week thereafter, we will stay connected thorough our “Sisters for Sisters” words of empowerment and inspiration, coming from women across our Conference. The submission this week is from Sister Nikita Styles, Women’s Ministries Leader, Berea Church.

An expression of faith in these trying times.
Perhaps the greatest expression of undaunted faith ever penned came from the Old Testament spokesman, Habakkuk. Most prophets spoke to the people for God. Habakkuk spoke to God for the people. He lived in times that were hard on faith. He saw the righteous suffering and the wicked prospering. He asked God the two questions we often ask: "Why?" and "How long?" Why are these things happening? How long will it be before they are rectified? These are questions we have today, trusting to get an answer.

Habakkuk realized that though he did not understand God's ways or timing, he could not doubt God's wisdom, love, or reliability. Then Habakkuk wrote his great affirmation of faith. "Though the fig tree does not bud and there is no fruit on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will triumph in the Lord; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation!" (Hab. 3:17-19).

Habakkuk affirmed that even if everything he relied on failed, if everything that gave stability to his life crumbled, still he'd trust the Lord.

If Habakkuk were speaking today, he would say, "Though the scaffold falls, the stock market crashes, the health care systems are searching for answers, the company you’re employed with goes bankrupt, and the economy heads south, the doors to the churches remain closed if everything I rely on falters still I will trust in the Lord. My confidence in God will not waiver."

God is here for you, too. He will never leave you. He cares too much for you. Even if the night is dark and the storm is raging, know that God is here. Even when you can't see the hand of God, you can trust the heart of God.

Will you trust him? Even if you don't understand why, will you trust him? Trust him because you know that He knows why. Even if you wonder how long, will you still trust him? Trust him because He knows the time and the length of suffering. Trust him without explanation, logic, and reasoning. Trust him because he is God.

Special thanks are extended for the tremendous support and participation during our 24-hour Prayer Vigil to each Local Leader and the women they lead, as they did an awesome task of troubling God’s throne. Special thanks, to our Pastors, Men’s Ministry Leader, Ministerial Spouses, as well as the Prayer Ministries Departments for joining us on the prayer journey.

We felt the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and believe that as we lifted our united voices, God heard and will indeed heal our land. To God be the glory!

Upcoming Event
“Pandemic Panic Births Prayer and Praise”- August 28, 2020. Stay tuned for more details on this Women’s Ministries event.

Pause and Pray Wednesday
Don’t forget our weekly Pause and Pray appointment on Wednesdays at noon.

Donation Request, Used, But In Good Condition Devotionals
Kindly donate to your local Women’s Ministries Leader for distribution during our community outreach projects this year.

--Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson, Women’s Ministries Director

Bible Connection 2020
Youth Ages 16-30
SBC Final- August 15th
Study- Bible: Job 1-42, Books: The Great Controversy 17, 19, 31,32

Cash Prizes
Ruth = $1000.00
Daniel = $500.00
Josiah = $300.00

--Pastor Jamal Franklyn, Adventist Youth Ministries Director

Please Email Weekly Announcements
By Tuesday at 3:00p.m.

CALL 341-4021
August 22, 2020 - 7:37p.m.

Happy Sabbath!