Fathers of the South Bahamas Conference, on this special day, we celebrate you—the unsung heroes, the steadfast pillars, and the embodiment of love within our community. Your sacrificial love mirrors the divine love that our heavenly Father lavishes upon us.

The love of the Father is perfectly encapsulated in the words of John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

This text is so powerful and instructive for all fathers. God lavished His love upon us when He sent His only son Jesus to die for us. John the beloved disciple tells us in 1 John 3:1 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God.” John says take note, observe with faith how great the Father’s love is for us. He has adopted us into His family, He has given us a new name. We have a loving father who gave all to save us His erring children.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, we must remember that fatherhood is a gift and a heavy responsibility. The role of a godly father is best modeled in a caring role.

A godly father makes his children a priority. However, they are not his priority. A father’s priority in life is always his relationship with his father in heaven. The second is with his wife, the mother of his children, and the third is to his children. For the unmarried father or widowed father, the dynamics are a little different.

God has given us the responsibility of fatherhood and we must surrender every day and allow Him to oversee our lives. We do not become weak when we surrender to the Father, rather, we become stronger, more loving fathers when we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and work through us in loving our children. The Devil will seek to use every opportunity to sow discord and conflict in a family and it is the role of the father as priest in his home to lead his family to the foot of the cross where they will find strength and wisdom to meet the attacks of the enemy.

As loving fathers, we must teach our children by precept and example. A loving father prays for and with his children. Fathers must always be mindful that we should be instruments of God’s love, shaping lives, nurturing faith, and preparing our children for earthly and eternal life. Just as Jesus laid down His life for us, you, fathers, exemplify this love by your selflessness, guidance, and unwavering commitment to your families and congregations.

As we honor you today, let us also reflect on the words of Ellen G. White, who understood the profound impact of fatherly love: “Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing.” — Ellen G. White

It is my prayer that your love, like God’s, knows no bounds. That it extends beyond years and distance, embracing each child, young or old. Your sacrifices—both seen and unseen—ripple through generations, leaving an indelible mark on hearts and souls.

May you continue to be vessels of love, embodying the father’s heart. May your wisdom, patience, and compassion inspire us all to walk in the footsteps of Christ. Happy Father’s Day! May your love be celebrated today and every day.

Michael McCoy, SBC Men’s Ministries Director