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21 Century Ministry

Are We Ready?

Lead article by Pastor T. Basil Sturrup

As we study the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation there are times when it appears as if there is no hope for the church. In fact, like the Apostle John while on the Isle of Patmos, you may wonder if when Jesus returns if He will find faith on the earth. Last weekend hundreds of Church leaders within the South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists gathered at the National Training Agency on Gladstone Road to learn from each other, discuss methods and approaches to successfully fulfill the mandate given to us by Jesus. It is obvious that we are already on the move, but we also had to admit that as a church we are not equipped to minister effectively to Millennials, and Gen X’s.

Be that as it may, I was extremely pleased to see how the leaders of our churches rallied together. First and foremost, we acknowledged our deficiencies, then participated in constructive question and answer periods designed to find solutions to the obstacles we face as a church.

The church must be constantly reminded of Jesus’ response to Peter’s declaration to the question, “Who do men say that I am?” Jesus said, “On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The fact is, the church is ready to meet the needs of ministry for the age in which we live. It is true that we are living in an age where people are not reading the Bible like they use to, and persons are not interested in church the way they were in yesteryear. However, God knows the end from the beginning and the culture of the times will never catch God by surprise.

There is one approach to ministry that will span every age and will not diminish with time. It’s Love. No matter what evangelism methods we use (whether they are new or old, if those methods are not wrapped in love they will fail. The scriptures declare that what the law could not do, LOVE accomplished it.

The moment we are prepared to love people the way Christ Loved them is the moment we can declare that we are ready for ministry in the 21st century. While many churches are experimenting with new gimmicks and farfetched ideas, be reminded that if we fail to love one another and the people around us any positive results will be short lived. But if we love as Christ did, we will always be ready, not only for this generation, but also the next one.

Pastor T. Basil Sturrup, Ministerial Director, Special Assistant to the President-Evangelism.




1 - 3: ATCU Mental Health Summit, Nassau
5: Youth Church: (Joint AY) Agape Feast-H.D. Colburn Gym
6: Mission Transform 242: Missing Youth (local church AY and Children takes program to home of a missing youth /member)
6: Joint AY Social
6: Day of Prayer and Fasting
7: Youth Council SBC Conference
11-18: Big City Youth Evangelism: Jesus in Jeans, Tallahassee Florida Pathfinder Band Trip
12 – 14: Solutions to Obstacle Adventist Retreat /S.O.A.R(for all Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Interested Persons)

13: Friends of Hope Day
13: Education Evangelism
13: IAD Youth Spiritual Commitment (Virtual Training
13 -20: Education Evangelism
14: Women’s Ministries Operation Jabez 3
18 - 21: Mission Transform: Inagua (Local AY travel to Family Islands)
18 - 21: Local Pathfinder Club Camps
19 - 21: Ministerial Retreat (Grand Bahama)
22: 8 Weeks to Wellness Fun Run Walk
25: SBC Executive Committee Meeting
27: Local Church Bible Connection Experience (Semi-Finals)
28: VBS Workshop 2019 JAMII KINGDOM (Vacation Bible School Leaders & Personnel)
29: 8 Weeks to Wellness Graduation




2019 Reaping Campaigns in ATCU

The prayer focus of The Atlantic Caribbean Union (ATCU) for the week, April 21 – April 27, 2019 is: Grandmothers.



The ABNC is having a sale on handbooks for Deacons, Deaconess's, Elder's and also on Church Manuals. Don’t miss these savings.

Tania Nomafo, Assistant Manager. 

ASI Convention

The ASI Convention for the Inter-American Division will take place on August 21 - 24, 2019 at Atlantis, Paradise Island. It is going to be the Convention of all conventions! Registration is officially open. Save the date! You have to be there! Need more information? Contact us at 556-0492 or 428-4251. 

Shandera Smith, ASI



There will be Bible study classes held on Sunday’s @ 7:00 PM at the Real Harvest Church beginning April 28. Initial subjects to be discussed this quarter include: The Sanctuary, Sabbath, Seal of God, State of the Dead, Spirit of Prophecy, Second Coming, Salvation.

   Future topics include: How to study a Biblical book (The book of Revelation will be used as a template), themes in the gospel of John and methods in using Bible software to maximize your study.

Questions and queries are to be sent to bible@sbcadventist.org.bs. Pastor Lynden Williams, Bible Studies Coordinator.



SAVE THE DATE:  April 28, 2019 - VBS Workshop at the Good News Church. All Vacation Bible School personnel/volunteers are invited to attend this exciting workshop in JAMII KINGDOM – 9:30a.m. – 11:30a.m. in the church’s fellowship hall.

Sunday May 19, 2019 - Sabbath School Lower Division Teachers Workshop.  Learn innovative and practical ways to involve the children in your Sabbath School class.  Revisit techniques to build attendance and support for this area of the CHAM department. Watch Here For Venue.

The C.H.A.M Weekend Retreat will be held on June 7-9, 2019 at the Adventure Learning Center Camp Grounds under the theme “TREASURE HUNT... Finding all you need in Jesus”. It will be a time of fun, fellowship and spiritual enrichment for our children ages 7 – 14 years. Registration begun Monday April 15, 2019 to Wednesday May 15, 2019. For more information, call 341-4021, see the conference website or enquire about details from your local leaders.

Mrs. Lavern Sturrup, C.H.A.M Director.


Openings At Bahamas Academy

Bahamas Academy is accepting applications for the following positions: Grades 7 – 9

Mathematics, Technical Drawing, General Science, English Literature, English Language, Social Studies

Grades 10 – 12 Accounts, Commerce, Biology, Combined Science, Physics, Chemistry

   Applicants should possess at least a bachelor’s degree in the subject area and have a Teacher’s Certificate.  Teaching experience would be an asset.

Applications can be emailed to aburrows@sbcadventist.,org or sent to the following address:


The Office of Education
South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventist
P. O. Box N-356
Nassau Bahamas

Anthony Burrows, Education Director.



Let’s Talk RADiCAL Recovery - Rise Above Divorce In Confidence & Love.

A 10-week Support Group for Divorce Persons will be starting soon, in the Fellowship Hall of the Living Faith Adventist Church, Old Trail Road.  The support group and course for persons separated, divorced, or going through a divorce and is founded by Suzy Brown, a journalist in the United States.  This local group is being coordinated by Sis. Charlisa Cash, who has gone through this 10-week program and is sponsored by the Family Ministries Department of the Conference.  The group will also be facilitated by professional therapists.  The size of the group is limited but will be open for other 10-week group sessions at other times during the years.   With a registration fee the participants will receive a text book and workbook produced by RADiCAL.  For further information on registration, email radicalrecovery242@gmail.com.


Easter Monday - April 22, 2019:  A Fun/ Run/ Walk will be held starting at 6:30a.m. The route is Arawak Cay to Goodman's Bay and back for walkers. And runners will go to Melía and back. Fruits and water will be given to all participants. Also, a vegetarian breakfast will be available for a small donation. See any ASI executive member for tickets. For more information please call 323-0610 or email lifestylecousellor64@gmail.com.

Eight Weeks to Wellness Graduation:  You are all invited to attend the 2019 Eight Weeks to Wellness graduation on April 29th at 6.30 p.m at the gym on the former Bahamas Academy campus, on Wulff Road.

Quarterly Meeting:  Health leaders are asked to attend a meeting on May 14, 2019 from 6: 00p.m - 7: 00p.m at the SBC headquarters. Please confirm your attendance by calling 826-8486. 

Nathelyn LaCroix, Health Director.


Adventist Health Professionals Association FREE Pre-Mothers Day Event

Are you looking for a clean fun-filled event?

The Adventist Health Professionals Association in conjunction with the Health and Safety

Committee of the University of the Bahamas will be hosting a Pre-Mother's Day production and health presentation under the theme " Signs of the Change".

Come and enjoy the laughter, fun and facts about experiences with pre-menopause and menopause.

Date: May 9th, 2019. Time: 6:30p.m.
Venue: Harry C. Moore Auditorium, UB.
RSVP by April 30th. Phone: 455-2373. -- Sister Rosemary Cooper, President, AHPA



Second Quarter (April - June)

“WE” (Women Empowerment) Q2 Forecast:
April , 2019
21 – Philadelphia Women’s Ministries “Order My Steps” Prayer Breakfast 7a.m Philadelphia Church Fellowship Hall
28 – Steven’s Church Women’s Ministries - Chat, Chew & Let it Go Discussion Forum -Steven’s, Long Island
28 – Berea Women’s Ministries- “One Touch,” an evening of Song, Drama and Poetry - 7 p.m Berea Church

May, 2019
17-19 North & South Eleuthera Women’s Weekend
18 – New Providence Women’s Ministries “Bus-Sing Along” Vesper Service
25 – Stevens Long Island WM, War Room Movie Night
25 – SBC WM “God in Shoes” Community Impact

June, 2019 

8 – SBC Women’s Ministries & GEMS Emphasis Day
8 – South Andros Women’s Weekend & GEMS Induction
8 – New Providence Women & GEMS Bowling Face-off Sunset, Mario’s Bowling Alley

Special Note:  Anyone interested in traveling for the Family Island weekend events please call and give your name and contact to Ms. T’nee Moss at the South Bahamas Conference Office at 341-4021.

Save the Date!:  Under the theme, “In Christ”, the Turks & Caicos Conference will be hosting the Atlantic Caribbean Union’s Retreat. This amazing retreat will convene at Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort & Spa in Turks & Caicos on November 1-3, 2019 with guest speaker, Janice Johnson-Browne. Kindly see your local leader for further details. Please also note that the registration deadline is August 31, 2019.

Jacqueline Gibson, Women’s Ministries Director.



All local Personal Ministry councils are notified of a very important planning session on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at SBC headquarters. Your efforts are appreciated!
Pastor Peter Joseph, Personal Ministries Director


South Bahamas Conference Pathfinder Camporee 

Thursday June 27- Sunday June 30, 2019
TYPE OF CAMPOREE: Disciplinary Skills
VENUE: Bahamas Youth Camp
THEME TEXT: Esther 4:14

This Camporee is a spring board to the Atlantic Caribbean Union Camporee for 2020.


Jamal Franklyn, Youth Director.


Harmonious Praise 
  • Join us in a Celebration of Praise with Harmonious Praise on April 27, 2019 during the 11a.m. service. It will be an inspirational time that you won’t want to miss.
  • At 6p.m - AY presents Words of Encouragement From the Cross- 7 Last Sayings of Jesus at Calvary. Featured musical artists: Harold Dorsett, AVE’, Voices for Him & more.



April 20 - 28th, 2019

Among the activities to be held at the church:

  • Wednesday April 24 – Reflections - “Past, Present & Beyond” – 7p.m
  • Friday April 26 – Family Vesper Service – 7p.m
  • Sabbath April 27, 2019 – Guest Divine Service Speaker, Pastor Wintley Phipps, 11a.m
  • AY Musical Concert “Celebration of Praise”, 5:30p.m
  • Sunday April 28 – Honorees Awards Gala Banquet at the British Colonial Hilton. For further information
  • call 361-8683.

April 20 -22, 2019 

Kemp's Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church cordially invites you to its 5th Community Guest Day & Home Coming Events.

  • On Sabbath April 20 @ 9:15a.m the guest speaker will be Elder Earl Thomas along with the New Providence Choir.  Lunch will be provided.
  • - Grand Concert April 20th @7p.m - An evening of music and drama.
  • Fun in the Sun, Sunday April 21, 2019 @ 9a.m (Fun, games and fellowship for all).
  • - Kemps Bay Adventist Annual Fishing Excursion, Monday April 22, 2019. @9:30a.m

For more information contact Elder Trenton Durant at 474-0884.


Sunday April 21, 2019

The Georgia Cumberland Academy Choir will be in concert at the Church at 6p.m on April 21st. All are invited to attend. The proceeds from the concert will go towards the completion of the New Living Faith Community Center on Old Trail Road.


Philadelphia Church CAMARETTA CONCERT:  

All are invited to enjoy this time of good music provided by the Georgia Cumberland Academy Choir on Friday April 19, 2019 at 6:30p.m.



The Family Life/Community Service Department Annual Family Fun Day for Easter Monday April 22nd 2019 HAS BEEN POSTPONED.

Church Souse-Out & Fun/Run/Walk:  Sunday May 5, 2019 at 6:30 a.m.  Fun/Run/Walk will be held from BOL Church Grounds to Golden Gate Shopping Plaza and back. Souse-Out will be from 8 a.m.-1p.m.


Dr. Shaneeta Johnson is pleased to offer a full-tuition scholarship for one student to attend Bahamas Academy of Seventh-day Adventists for Grades 10-12. The scholarship is competitive, academic and need-based. Students who are presently in Grade 9 from public or private schools may apply.   Application forms are available at Bahamas Academy on Marshall Road, or the South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Tonique Williams Highway.

Application deadline is April 30th 2019.


Skip the Dishes

A cook out will be held to aid in the medical expenses of Sirilia Exalus on Sunday April 28, 2019. An assortment of dishes will be on sale. Serve some love by supporting our family. For further details, please call 446-6281. Benita Exalus.


Please Email Weekly AnnouncementsTo: sbclogos@gmail.com
Conference website: http://southbahamasconference.org 

April 27, 2019 AT 7:38 P.M.