Although most Christians believe that prayer is a vital element for a successful family, some do not fully understand or choose to ignore its importance. God is omnipotent and therefore knows our needs before we ask. He longs for us to open our hearts to Him as a friend. In her book, Steps to Christ, p. 93, E.G. White notes that “prayer does not bring God down to us but brings us up to Him.” God not only hears and answers our personal prayer requests but He also ministers to those for whom we intercede. Therefore, prayer within the family unit is essential. Our association with a family unit often varies.

There are several types of family units of which an individual may be a part. These units include the nuclear, single, step, and extended families. Some individuals may regard their church family as a support system. In a functional setting, these units should nurture each member with love, support, spiritual guidance, and a framework of values.

Prayer should be a regular daily routine, not an occasional duty within a functional home. Establishing a family altar will help to nurture spiritual and other positive values within a family unit. This altar will also lead family members into a closer relationship with God. As such, when circumstances arise, each member will know who the source of their strength is and will understand the power of prayer.

No matter the urgency of our daily lives, members within each unit should not neglect their time with God. Devotions within families that include children should be a time of enjoyment. They should creatively be taught how to offer thanksgiving to God and sing songs of praise. These creative experiences can foster family traditions that can be passed on from generation to generation and used whether on vacations or during special holidays. These worship experiences must include all members to ensure a strong sense of belonging. As such, families will bond together, and the memories created will last a lifetime.

In a society that is increasingly becoming hostile towards Christian values, we must increase our efforts to provide practical and biblical help to all families. God intended to work through humans. We are His hands and feet while here on earth. Although simple, our worship can help others receive the gift of salvation. Prayer releases God’s power to carry out His will on earth.

Prayer is indeed vital for the establishment of a successful family structure. A blessing awaits us all when we enter a prayer relationship with God. I encourage all families to establish family altars and to continue in prayer. Let us seek God’s face daily for strength. As we continue throughout this year, I implore you to invite the presence of the Holy Spirit and a host of angels to accompany you as you “Go and tell the world about Christ.”