The mission of the World Seventh-day Adventist Community Services (ACS) ministry is “Serving communities in Christ’s name” and one of the Centreville ACS ministry’s primary objectives is to empower community members to help themselves, fundamentally through education.

The third annual Centreville Adventist Community Services (ACS) Tutoring Program began on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, and ended on Thursday, August 22, 2024. The team, which included 40 registered volunteers, worked consistently from Monday to Thursday for 3 weeks with the 50 children who signed up for the program. An average day at the tutoring program consisted of an introductory Bible story, a session of arithmetic and reading, and then a closing prayer right before snack time.

Tutors generally worked one-on-one with their students, while a few tutors worked with 2 and a very small number of them tutored up to 4 children. This level of focused instruction allowed tutors to understand how their students learned various concepts and to find the most effective modes of communicating concepts to them.

While some kids said that they enjoyed coming to the classes because it was “fun” and the teachers were “really nice,” other students said that the program “made [them] feel more confident in [themselves]”. On the last day of classes, the tutors held a prayer session with their small groups of students, sharing love, kindness, and words of encouragement.

The Centreville ACS Summer Tutoring Sabbath Closing Ceremony convened under the theme, "Under Construction: God Has BIG Plans For ME". The children all wore their special ceremony T-shirts, kid construction hats, and brand-new tennis shoes. One of the highlights of the day was the participation of the community kids throughout the service, which included Ta’riq Hield, Kelleisha Charles, Jason Duncombe, and Matthew Johnson. Additionally, the students’ choir thrilled the congregation with their rendition of the theme song, "I Know The Plans I Have For You”.

There to witness and take part in this celebration was the Minister of Education and Technical and Vocational Training, The Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin, South Bahamas Conference (SBC) Education Director Juliette Sands along with SBC's ACS Director, Anthony Burrows. 

Minister Hanna-Martin encouraged the students to continue to be serious about their studies, respect their teachers, elders and parents, and "embrace and nurture every moment in school". Mrs. Sands, quoted an African proverb, sharing that, " ‘It takes a village to raise a child' and this is a true example [with] what is taking place here today”.  She later admonished, “Let us continue to pray and work together to train young minds and hearts, [not] just to be good citizens, but to be eternal citizens of Heaven.”

Mr. Burrows, added “I want to thank the Centreville ACS for the direct focus you’ve placed on the community… It’s important for us to impact those we worship around and to leave an indelible impression.” Family Psychologist, Pastor Barrington Brennen, gave the charge for this special closing service and reassured the students that the key ingredients to doing well in school are hard work, trust in God, and having a will to succeed.  At the end of the service each child received lunch, treat bags, a backpack with school supplies, and a bag of groceries for their families.

Centreville’s Pastor, Dr. Michael D. Toote underscored, that the results of the Summer Tutoring Program came about only through the hard work and diligent efforts of Andria Musgrove, Centreville ACS Director, the ACS team, and the volunteer tutors. Special thanks to Ashley Hanna, co-leader & Youth Ambassador for the Centreville ACS Tutoring Program, and Keithera Ferguson, ACS team member, and Logistics Officer for the 2024 Tutoring Program, for their dedicated and committed service.

Centreville’s ACS is grateful for all the partners and sponsors who made this initiative possible, including Lil General's, The Bahamas Feeding Network, Bahamas Business Solutions, John's Shoe store, Janaees Uniform Centre, and other anonymous donors.

The ACS After-School Homework Help Program resumes with the new school year and ACS invites more willing volunteers to participate and make a positive difference in the Centreville community.

Ashley Hanna, co-leader & Youth Ambassador for Centreville ACS Tutoring Program & Chile Fernandez, Centreville ACS tutor